General Pre-History

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Face to face, and theoretical classes, combining specific iconography, critical textual analysis, documentary films.

Learning Outcomes

Students will gain a general perspective on the biological and cultural evolution of humanity. The use of disparate, sometimes contradictory, documentation from various disciplines (Biology, Human Paleontology, Pre-historic Archaeology, etc.) as well as contact with different explanatory models, will give students the ability to critically evaluate information, namely about the evolution and processes of change of history most far removed from Humanity.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction

1.1. Generalities about Pre-historic Archaeology.

1.2. Quaternary Geology.

1.3. General chronology of Pre-history.

2. The process of hominization.

2.1. Theories on the origin of the species.

2.2. From the first primates to the first homonids.

2.3. Australopithecus and the first homonids of the Homo genus.

2.4. Neanderthal man and modern man.

3. Hunter-gatherer societies.

3.1. The new environmental conditions of the Holocene period.

3.2. The Mesolithic/Epipaleolithic predators: questions of terminology.

3.3. Early sedentarization and the "broad-spectrum economy"

4. Societal organisation models.

5. The first agro-pastoral societies.

5.1. The neothilization process: diversity and complexity.

5.2. The producer societies of the Near East, Europe and North Africa.

5.3. Social organisation, economy and ideology of the first producers.

Assessment Methods

Continuous assessment
Synthesis work: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


BICHO, N. F., Manual de Arqueologia Pré-histórica, Lisboa, Edições 70, 2006.

CLOTTES, J.; LEWIS-WILLIAMS, D., Los Chamanes de la Prehistoria, Madrid, Editorial Ariel, 2001.

CUNHA, E., Como nos Tornámos Humanos. Estado da Arte, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade, 2010.

GAMBLE, C., Las Sociedades Paleolíticas de Europa, Madrid, Editorial Ariel, 2001.

GARANGER, J, (ed.), La Préhistoire dans le Monde, Paris, PUF, 1992.

JORDAN, P., O Homem Primitivo, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2001.

JUAN EIROA, J., Nociones de Prehistoria General, Barcelona, Editorial Ariel, 2000.

PEREIRA, L., RIBEIRO, F. M., O Património Genético Português, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2009.

REDMAN, C. L., Los Orígenes de la Civilización, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 1990.

SCARRE, C., The Human Past, Londres, Thames & Hudson, 2005.

RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P., Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, 3.ª ed., Londres, Thames & Hudson, 2000.

SANCHIDRIÁN, J. L., Manual de arte prehistorico, Barcelona, Ariel, 2001.