Protohistoric Archaeology in the Iberian Peninsula

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Lectures combined with theoretical-practical content, using images and class discussions of texts and research carried out by students. Whenever possible, a continuous review and interactivity with the students through quizzes, discussions in the classroom and presentation of papers.  Otherwise, tests on lecture material will have to be given.

Learning Outcomes

This class will give an overview of the dynamics and cultural processes of the peninsular communities between the end of the 2nd and 1st millenia B.C., from a standpoint of its organization and operation as well as in terms of its construction, space, artefacts, art, rituals and symbols. The endogenous changes and results from the contact and interaction with the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Continental worlds will be analyzed. The goal of the class is to provide students with a broad vision of the proto-historic peninsular communities and their structure, evolution, transformation and cultural distinctions.

Work Placement(s)



1. Proto-historic peninsular archaeology

1.1. Concepts, methodologies and periodizations

1.2. The Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic

1.3. The Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean

2. Peninsular communities of the Late Bronze age

2.1. Periods of resistance, change and contacts

2.2. The western atlantic facade

2.3. The Inner Plateau and Cogotas I

2.4. The Northeast and Urn Fields

3. The configuation of the "cultural landscapes" of the Iron Age

3.1. The millenium of all the changes

3.2. Tartesso and its cultural geography

3.3. The Phoenician presence and influence

3.4. From the Turdetani to the Iberians

3.5. Vettones, Celtics and Celtiberians

3.6. The Northwest and the Castro societies

3.7. The Lusitanian world between evidence, misconceptions and nationalism.

Assessment Methods

Assessment continues
Other: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%


Alarcão, J. & Barroca, M. (coord. geral) (2012), Dicionário de Arqueologia Portuguesa, Figueirinhas, Porto.

AA.VV. (2013), Comunicações apresentadas ao Colóquio “Sistemas de povoamento do território português no decurso do Bronze Final”, Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, vol. 20, pp. 155-354.

Campos, J. & Alvar, J. (eds.) (2013), Tarteso. El emporio del metal, ed. Almuzara.

González-Ruibal, A. (2006-2007), Galaicos. Poder y comunidad en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica (1200 a.C.-50 d.C.), T. 1-2, Brigantium, 18-19, A Coruña.

Gracia Alonso, F. (coord.) (2008), De Iberia a Hispania, Madrid, Ariel Prehistoria.

Sánchez-Moreno, E., Domínguez Monedero, A., Gómez-Pantoja, J. (2013), Protohistoria y Antigüedad de la Península Ibérica. vol. I. Las fuentes y la Iberia colonial, Madrid, Sílex ediciones.

Vilaça, R. (2006), Proto-História Peninsular, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra [livro com diversas pistas sobre conteúdos e bibliografia].