Archaeological Heritage Management and Tourism

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes will be made up of lectures to present concepts and theories and an interactive component using discussion or analysis of texts, images and documentaries - Powerpoints will be used in large part and when useful, films.

If the number of students allows, research and reflection exercises will be done and one or more individual written tests will be given during the course of the semester, in accordance with the periodic assessment schedule.

Learning Outcomes

– understand the national and international standards in archaeology

– understand the tools for land use planning in the context of archaeological heritage, in particular with respect to city planning

– analyze the intervention and protection of archaeological sites, namely real estate

– develop a critical reflection about the valuation processes of archaeological sites, circuits and parks.

– reflect on archaeological site management models

– understand the EU program for the support of research and valuation of cultural heritage projects

– evaluate the importance dissemination of knowledge and of community involvement

– evaluate the importance of archaeological knowledge transfer in formal and informal education

– develop a critical reflection about the potential of archaeological tourism within cultural tourism as a part of local and regional development.

Work Placement(s)



1. Conceptual framework: reflections around the concepts of culture and heritage

2. Legal and organic framework of archaeology and heritage (international standards and the charters ratified by Portugal)

3. Heritage inventory, protection studies and land management tools

4. Intervention in archaeological sites: from the identification and study to protection and valuation

5. Museums, visitor centers, archaeological parks and circuits: some management and valuation examples

6. Heritage education and educator communities

7. Archaeological heritage and cultural tourism: sustainability of regional development strategies.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Carlos Muralha Cardoso

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation and in class participation s:: 10.0%
Report of a seminar or field trip: 10.0%
Research work: 20.0%
Frequency: 60.0%


BERTI E. (2012): «Itinéraires culturels du Conseil de l’Europe et Liste du patrimoine mondial : collaborations possibles» in: Tourisme et Patrimoine Mondial (sous la dir. de Laurent Bourdeau, Maria Gravari-Barbas, Mike Robinson), Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval (PUL), p. 164-179.

CARBONE, F. (2011). Turismo, Arqueologia e desenvolvimento. Gestão de áreas arqueológicas com fins turísticos. O Caso de Conimbriga. Em Revista Turismo e Desenvolvimento, 15, p. 103-115.

CHOAY, F. (2006): A alegoria do património, Ed. 70.

GONÇALVES, A. (2012) “Museus, turismo e território: como podem os equipamentos culturais tornar-se importantes atrações turísticas regionais?”, Imagem, Património e Sustentabilidade dos Destinos Turísticos, IPL, p. 43-94.

NOGALES BASARRATE, T. Y ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ, J. M. [Eds.] (2002): Museos Arqueológicos para el Siglo XXI, Mérida.

PÉREZ JUEZ GIL, A. (2006): Gestión del Patrimonio Arqueologico: El yacimiento como recurso turístico, Ariel, Barcelona.