Analysis of Pre- and Protohistoric Materials

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes are theoretical-practical and lab based, with a strong predominance of the latter. Thus, iconographic analysis of archaeological artefacts as well as directly handling some of them is used in class. Visits to pre and protohistoric museums will complement the class material.

Learning Outcomes

This class deals with raw materials and their transformation and use by man. The primary goal is to provide the basic tools necessary to identify, characterize and interpret the diversity of lithic, ceramic and metallic artefacts. Students will learn morpho-typological, technical, functional and stylistic analytical methodologies. Students will also deal with issues inherent to obtaining and transforming raw materials, manufacturing processes and production organization. Students will learn skill in: evaluating and understanding the importance of archaeological artefacts; recognize the macroscopic attributes (tactile, visual, shape etc.), describe the and codify them and master the specific terminologies, connect the analytical results to archaeological and interpretative (production process and operational chain, stylistic and/or functional diversity, chronological and cultural framework, etc..

Work Placement(s)



1. From the field to the office

2. From the office to the lab

3. Methods and practices of archaeological material analysis

4. Lithic

5. Ceramic

6. Metallic

7. Functional and symbolic dimension of materials

8. Contributions of Experimental and Ethnoarchaeology to the understanding of materials.

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 10.0%
Report of a seminar or field trip: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%


Bordes, F. (1987) Typologie du Paléolithique ancien et moyen, Paris, CNRS.

Calvo Trias, M. (2002), Útiles líticos prehistoricos. Forma, función y uso, Barcelona, Ariel.

Caro, A. (2002), Ensayo sobre Cerámica en Arqueologia, Sevilla, Ed. Agrija.

Eiroa, J. J., Bachiller Gil, J.A., Castro Pérez, L. e Lomba Maurandi, J. (1999), Nociones de tecnologia y tipologia en Prehistoria, Barcelona, Ariel Historia.

Fergunson, J. (ed.) (2010), Designing Experimental Research in Archaeology, Bolder, University Press of Colorado.

Merino, J. M. (1980), Tipología lítica, San Sebastián, (revista Munibe, suplemento n.º 4].

Montero, I. (2014), Los metales en la Antigüedad, Madrod, CSIC.

Sinopoli, C. M. (1991), Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics, New York, Plenum Press.

Vilaça, R. (2007), Considerações sobre cerâmicas pré e proto-históricas do território português, in A produção de cerâmicas em Portugal: histórias com futuro, Barcelos, Museu da Olaria, 9-25.