History of Religions

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes are theoretical-practical in nature and combine lectures with the reading of texts and sources (including iconography), presentation of papers by students, conducting roundtables, debates among students and, where possible, with the presence of experts.

Learning Outcomes

At a time when atheism and agnosticism coexisted with the growing religious fundamentalism and in which religious illiteracy was increasing, a class that is provides basic knowledge about the great historic religions, with particular emphasis on Christianity, given its key role in the history of Portugal and Europe.  Through this class, students will acquire fundamental concepts about the religious phenomenon, learn how to place the origins of the various religions in time and space, know the most important features of each doctrine and compare them critically, seeking the key differences and points in common, and be able to understand the religious underpinnings of the cultural matrix of the West and distinguish it from other cultures. Students will thus be provided with essential tools for understanding the different historical processes and key issues of the day.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the study of the religious phenomenon.

2. The oldest religions: the polytheisms of Antiquity.

3. Book religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

4. The great widsom religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucionism, Shintuism.

Head Lecturer(s)

João Manuel Filipe Gouveia Monteiro

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Other: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


Armstrong, K. (1996). Uma história de Deus: judaísmo, cristianismo e islamismo : uma busca de 4000 anos. Rio de Mouro: Círculo de Leitores.

Borges, A. (2012), As três religiões do livro. Coimbra: IUC.

Bowker, J. (ed.) (2007). The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Burkert, W. (1993). Religião Grega na Época Clássica e Arcaica. Lisboa: FCG.

Carmona Muela, J. (1998). Iconografía Cristiana. Guía básica para estudiantes. Madrid: Istmo.

Delumeau, J. (2002). As grandes religiões do mundo. Lisboa: Presença, 3ª ed.

Eliade, M. (1990). O mito do eterno retorno: arquétipos e repetição. Rio de Mouro: Círculo de Leitores, 1990.

Filoramo, G. (2007). Qu’est-ce que la religion ? Thèmes, méthodes, problèmes. Paris: Le Cerf.

Mayeur, J.-M. (dir.) (1992-2001). Histoire du christianisme des origines à nos jours. Paris: Desclée, 12 vols.

Poupard, P. (1993). Dictionnaire des religions. Paris: PUF, 3ª ed., 2 vols.