Historiography and Theory of History

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.


Teaching Methods

Lectures of a theoretical-practical nature, divided between the presentation of topics and the practical guidance of students, through group discussions of the sense of an organization (especially during the presence of invited speakers) or in tutorial form, through research and collection; thus students are motivated to complete short works of synthesis and research, or, if possible, fundamental research in groups.

Learning Outcomes

The student should:

Develop a capacity for thinking critically about the phenomenon and historical practices;

Gain an understanding of the most significant emerging issues in the historical debate;

Understand the historicity of the history theory;

Understand the "place of history" in different space-time contexts and, namely in the context of complex societies

Work Placement(s)



1. Introductory elements.

2. History as a problematic.

3. Historiographies: moments, configurations, places.

4. History theories: matrices, concepts, discussions.

5. Multidisciplinary intersections.

6. Open issues.

Assessment Methods

Assessment continues
Mini Tests: 50.0%
Other: 50.0%

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%


BERGER, Stefen (ed), Writing History. Theory and Practice. Londo: Hodder Arnold, 2003

CATROGA, Fernando, Os Passos do Homem como Restolho do Tempo: memória e Fim do Fim da História. Coimbra:

Almedina, 2009

DELACROIX, Christian (dir), Historiographies. Concepts et Débats. Paris: Gallimard, 2 vols, 2010

HERNÀNDEZ SANDOICA, Elena, Tendencias Historiograficas Actuales. Escribir Historia Hoy. Madrid: Akal, 2004

MALERBA, Jurandir (org), A História Escrita. teoria e História da historiografia. São paulo: Contexto, 2010

LAMBERT, Peter; SCHOFIELD, Phillip (eds), Making History: na introduction to the history and practices of a discipline. London: Routledge, 2009

TILMANS, Karin (ed), Performing the Past. memory, History ansd Identity in Modern Europe. Amsterdan: Amsterdan unjiversity Press, 2010

TORGAl, L. R; MENDES, J. A; CATROGA, F, História da História em Portugal, Lisboa: Estampa, 1998

WOOLF, David, A Global History of History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012