History of Portugal in África

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The class is theoretical-practical in nature. For this reason, the most appropriate teaching methodologies and processes of interactive and innovative teaching will be used  Students will be encouraged to participate in a diligent, consistent and critical way in order to involve them in the design of workshops, including preparation and presentation of topics prearranged with the teacher, organizing debates and school conferences.

Learning Outcomes

Focusing on a very broad chronology (fifteenth to twentieth centuries), we intend to study the fundamental issues of the Portuguese presence in Africa.  This will include political, military, diplomatic, economic, social, religious and cultural plans.
In addition to the global issues, and, if possible, an individualized approach will be given to each of the territories that formed the former colonial empire.

Students should develop the following skills: acquisition of relevant and diverse information about the Portuguese colonization and decolonization; understanding of the meaning of the Portuguese influence in Africa; capacity for a critical and innovative analysis of complex topics in the field of History of Expansion and Colonialism; strengthening research capacity in the specific area of this class.

Work Placement(s)



1. Rise and fall of the North African "empire."

2. Portugal in Africa in modern times. 

3. The African colonies during the constitutional monarchy.

4 The colonial administration in the First Republic.

5. New state - the empire, myths and realities.

6. Decolonization - contexts and outcomes.

7. Relations between Portugal and Lusophone Africa.

Assessment Methods

Final assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Assessment continues
Synthesis work: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


AFONSO, Aniceto e GOMES, Carlos de Matos, Os Anos da Guerra Colonial (1961-1975), Matosinhos, 2010.

BETHENCOURT, Francisco e CHAUDHURI, Kirti, (Direção), História da Expansão Portuguesa, Lisboa, 1998.

FERRO, Marc, História das colonizações. Das conquistas às independências. Sécs. XIII-XX, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1996.

JERÓNIMO, Miguel Bandeira (Organização), O Império Colonial em Questão (Séc. XIX-XX): Poderes, Saberes e Instituições, Lisboa, 2012.

MACQUEEN, Norrie, The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan Revolution and the Dissolution of Empire, Londres-Nova Iorque, 1997.

M'BOKOLO, Elikia, África Negra, História e Civilizações. Do século XIX aos nossos dias, Lisboa, 2011.

SERRÃO, Joel e MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira /Direção), Nova História da Expansão Portuguesa, vol. X e XI, Lisboa, 1998-2001.