History of the Iberian Peninsula (5th to 11th Centuries)

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Use of theoretical and practical lessons, reconciling summaries of the period and some  proposed themes with their practical implementation with documents, maps, etc.

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn a synthetic balance of the history of the Peninsula during Early and High Middle Ages, embodying its civilizational specificity in Western Europe and also analyzing the path of Portugal, as part of the Kingdom of Leon, at a time when it had not yet emerged as a separate political reality, similar to the other peninsular kingdoms.

Attendence in this class will give the student:

- a clear perception of the main peoples of the Peninsula and their contribution to its history.

- Understand the development of the Christian kingdoms of the northern peninsula and especially the evolution of the Astur-Leonese kingdom [Kingdom of Asturias-Léon];

- Understand and properly frame the emergence of Portucale and its evolution up to the emergence of a new kingdom;

- Assess the changes in the Peninsula with its opening up to Europe in the late eleventh century.

Work Placement(s)



I. A crossroads of peoples and civilizations

1. The German presence

2. The Arab domain


II. The emergence of the Christian kingdoms

1. The first political parties in the Northern Peninsula

2. The kingdom of Leon

2.1. The origins of the reconquest and the expansion to the Douro

2.2. The Navarre dynasty: from Fernando Magno to the Leonese Empire


III. The origins of Portugal

1. From Portucale to the Portucalense territory

2. Integration into the Kingdom of Galicia

3. The Portucalense county


IV. The opening to Europe

1. The ecclesiastical standardization

2. The nNobility beyond the Pyrenees in the reconquest.

Assessment Methods

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Assessment continues
Laboratory work or Field work: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 75.0%


—ISLA FREZ, Amancio, La Alta Idade Média. Siglos VIII-XI, Madrid, Editorial Síntesis, 2002

—LADERO QUESADA, Miguel Ángel, La formación medieval de España. Territorios. Regiones. Reinos.Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2006

—OLIVEIRA, António Resende, “Do Reino da Galiza ao Reino de Portugal (1065-1143)”, Revista de História das Ideias, 28 (2007), 17-37

— REILLY, Bernard, Cristãos e muçulmanos. A luta pela Península Ibérica. Lisboa:Teorema, 1992

—RUCQUOI, Adeline, História Medieval da Península Ibérica, Lisboa: Estampa, 1995

—SERRÃO, J.  e MARQUES, A. H.  (dir.), Nova História de Portugal, vol. II. Portugal das Invasões Germânicas à Reconquista, Lisboa, 1993

—LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Jorge, El Final de la Antigüedad en la Gallaecia. La transformación de las estructuras de poblamiento entre Miño y Duero (siglos V al X), Coruña, 2004