Early Modern History of Portugal

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

This class has two teaching dimensions:

1. The professor will present a macro-dimensional overview of the reference bibliography for each topic of the class; clarify the operative ideas and theoretical models, outline the structural areas and questions of the class material. This presentation will be done using various materials as aids - books, documents, maps, pictures.

2. In the interaction between students and professor, and among students, specific problems relating to the bibliography and documents will be analyzed.

Learning Outcomes

1. Students will gain a critical understanding and capacity for differentiation of historiographical discourse about central issues in the areas of economy, society, politics and culture;

2. Ability to analyze and understand national history in its external connections (European and global/Empire) and internal (local and regional scales);

3. Ability to select and interlace information relevant to the understanding of historical phenomena given the diversity of spatial and temporal contexts and using dense explanatory models;

4. Learn about events and relevant figures of Portuguese history and analyze their actions in context;

5. Understand the dynamics of Portuguese society, politics, thought and culture in the Early Modern Era.

Work Placement(s)



1. Historiography of the Portuguese Modern Era  [early modern period]: Portuguese and foreign historians; reference works

2. Portugal in the context of the first globalization: economic, political and cultural links with other European countries and with areas of the Empire

3. Population and demographical dynamics

4. Economic activities; dynamics of growth and crisis; theories and economic policies

5. Structuring principles of society and social dynamics

6. Political configurations of power: the Crown, the Church, landlords [overlords], local governments

7. The construction process of the Modern State: conceptions, theories, practices and protagonists of the exercise of power; instruments of governance and control: the construction of the royal bureaucracy - organs and agents

8. Reception and evolution of humanism.  Cultural policy in the era of the Counter-Reformation and the triumph of the Baroque. Intellectual censorship and reading circles. Cultural renewal of Enlightenment.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Margarida Sobral da Silva Neto

Assessment Methods

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous evaluation
Resolution Problems: 20.0%
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


ARAÚJO, A. C. (2003). A cultura das Luzes em Portugal: temas e problemas. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

CURTO, D. R. (2007). Cultura escrita - séculos XV a XVIII. Lisboa: ICS.

DIAS, J. S. S. (2006). Portugal e a cultura europeia (séculos XVI a XVIII). Porto: Campo das Letras.

HESPANHA, A. (coord.) (1993). "O Antigo Regime". In História de Portugal. Vol. IV. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.

LOPES, M. A. (2010). Protecção social em Portugal na Idade Moderna. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade.

MARCOCCI, G. & PAIVA, J. P. (2013). História da Inquisição Portuguesa, 1536-1821. Lisboa: Esfera dos Livros.

MAGALHÃES, J. R. (coord.) (1993). "No Alvorecer da Modernidade". In História de Portugal. Vol. III. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.

MENESES, A. F. (coord.) (2001). "Portugal da paz da Restauração ao ouro do Brasil" In Nova História de Portugal. Vol. VII. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.

NETO, M. S. (2010). O Universo da Comunidade rural. Coimbra: Palimage.