History of Private Life

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

The class will be theoretical-practical in nature: presentation and lecture of the material with recourse to reading the review of texts and other media in order to promote the participation of students in critical discussions of topics.  Informal patticipation in class is encouraged. If possible, there will be conferences and'or debates.

Learning Outcomes

Students will gain a knowledge of the evolution of the history of private life from the Middle Ages to contemporary times, the European West in general and Portuguese in particular.  At the same time, they will understand its foundations in close connection with economic, social, political, cultural and religious structures that have shaped them so as to define, in the long term, the major thrust of the history of private life especially on place, family and individual levels.

Work Placement(s)



1. The concept of private life and the issue of its boundaries.  Privacy and daily life. The issue of historical sources.

2. Standard models and instruments of control.

3. Places of private life: house, court, retreats.

4. The family. Familial and marriage structures. Husband, wife and children. Rites of passage.

5. The individual. Body, nutrition, hygiene, sexuality and the culture of appearance.

6. The inner self: faith, devotion, fears and feelings.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Cristina Cardoso Santos Bartolomeu de Araújo

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Other: 25.0%
Mini Tests: 75.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


ARIÈS, Philippe; DUBY, Georges (dir.), História da vida privada, direcção de Philippe Ariès e de Georges Duby, vols. 2 a 5, Lisboa, C. L., 1990

CASTRO, Xavier, Historia da vida cotiá en Galicia. Séculos XIX e XX, Ed. Nigratea, Vigo, 2007

CORBIN, Alain; COURTINE, Jean-Jacques; VIGARELLO, Georges (direction), Histoire du corps, vol. 1 et 2, Paris, Seuil, 2005

FLANDRIN, Jean-Louis, Famílias: parentesco, casa e sexualidade na sociedade de Antigo Regime, Lisboa, Rolim, 1992

GIDDENS, Anthony, Transformações da intimidade. Sexualidade, amor e erotismo nas sociedades modernas, Oeiras, Celta, 1996

LEBRUN, F., A vida conjugal no Antigo Regime, Lisboa, Rolim, 1992

MATTOSO, José (Direcção), História da Vida Privada em Portugal, vols. 1 a 4, Lisboa, C. L., 2011

NOVAIS, Fernando (Coord.), História da vida privada no Brasil, vols. 1 e 4, São Paulo, 2004

VIGARELLO, Georges, O limpo e o sujo. A higiene do corpo desde a Idade Média. História, Lisboa, Fragmentos, Lda., 1988