History of Portugal in Asia

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes include:

- Lectures

- colective analysis of historical sources and studies, under the teacher’s supervision and guidance.

- debates on historical interpretations.

- presentations of short papers by the students based on selected bibliography.

Learning Outcomes

Students should gain a systemic overview of the history of the presence of Portugal in Asia, since the beginning of the settlement of it overseas empire (1498) until the end of the Portuguese administration in Macau (1999).

The analysis focuses on the structural continuities and the dynamic trends of the relations established or imposed in the different eastern territories from India to China, in the fields of politics, religion, society, culture, economy and power networks.

Students are expected to:

- acquire knowledge about all the syllabus topics based on information provided by the teacher or gathered from bibliography and debates in the classroom;

- develop critical skills about historical knowledge;

- be able to find appropriate sources and bibliography on the syllabus topics;

- be able to present their ideas in an organized, clear and coherent manner orally or in writing;

- develop skills in synthesis;

- build a critical notion of historical processes.

Work Placement(s)



1. The geography of the Portuguese presence in Asia.

2. Political forms of organization and comunication with the central government of the realm.

3. Local government networks.

4. Religious structures and dynamics.

5. Economic trends and configurations of the economy.

6. Portuguese society in the State of India.

7. Cultural relations: permeabilities, negotiations and exclusions.

8. Outcomes of five centuries of Portuguese presence in the East.

Assessment Methods

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%

Assessment continues
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Other: 30.0%
Mini Tests: 40.0%


BETHENCOURT, Francisco e CHAUDHURI, K. - História da Expansão Portuguesa. Lisboa, 1998.

BOXER, Charles – O império colonial português 1415-1825. Lisboa, 1969.

FLORES, Jorge – Re-exploring the links: history and constructed histories between Portugal and Sri-Lanka. Lisbon, 2007.

PAIVA, José Pedro e Marcocci, Giuseppe - História da Inquisição Portuguesa (1536-1821). Lisboa, 2013.

RUSSEL-WOOD, Anthony J. R. – Um mundo em movimento. Os portugueses na África, Ásia e América (1415-1808). Lisboa, 1998.

SALDANHA, António Vasconcelos de e ALVES, Jorge Manuel dos Santos – Estudos de história do relacionamento luso-chinês, século XVI-XIX. Macau, 1996.

SUBRAHMANYAM, S. - O império asiático português, 1500-1700. Uma história política e económica. Lisboa, 1995.

THOMAZ, Luís F. - De Ceuta a Timor. Lisboa, 1998.

XAVIER, Angela Barreto - A invenção de Goa. Poder imperial e conversões culturais nos séculos XVI e XVII. Lisboa, 2008.

WINIUS, George - Studies on Portuguese Asia 1495-1689. Aldershot, 2001.