Media History

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Exposure of subjects in lesson  (overviews presented in PowerPoint) that shows the essential texts and authors in each issue. Disclosure to students of varied background texts (theoretical, practical and assessment). Commented viewing of films and documentaries suitable for themes.

Learning Outcomes

Being a course of theoretical and practical training initial is intended that the student acquires the essential knowledge about the historical evolution of the various media, the media and new media and its impact on societies. With this knowledge easily organize and systematize the best expertise and knowledge in these areas. Skills and knowledge that may develop in a future continuation of studies, and shall provide a better understanding, timely and expert on the impact and role of information, journalism,communication and media in contemporary mediated societies.

Work Placement(s)



1. The construction of the media history:  concepts of press, journalism, periodicals, information, communication and media. A History of the media and the new media. Comparative overview of the history of media in the world, in Europe and in Portugal.

2. The evolution of media: from print media to the Internet (book, newspaper, panflet, illustration, photography, cinema, radio, television). New media, new journalism. Censorship and Freedom of the Press.

3. Case studies pioneers and their impact on the history of the media: the case Queen Caroline in UK; the case Isabel II and the question monarchy or republic in Spain;the "affaire" Dreyfus in France, the radio broadcast "War of the Worlds" and the film Citizen Kane of Orson Welles, the Lindbergh case, the Watergate case, the Wikileaks case.In Portugal the communicational invention from the liberalism ;the case Adelaide Coelho (Portugal) and the scandal Ballet Rose.


Assessment Methods

Other: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%


CASTELLS, M. (2002-2003). A era da informação: economia, sociedade e cultura, 3 volumes: Vol.1 A sociedade em rede; Vol.2 O poder da identidade; Vol.3 O fim do milénio.

JEANNENEY, J:-N. (1996). Uma história da comunicação social, Lisboa, Terramar.

MESQUITA, M. (2003 e 2004). O Quarto equívoco. O poder dos media na sociedade contemporânea, Coimbra, MinervaCoimbra.

VARGUES, I. n.  (2007). “Espaço público e história da comunicação contemporânea: os casos Dreyfus, ´Guerra dos Mundos´ e Watergate”, Espaços públicos, Poder e Comunicação/ Public Spaces, Power and Communication, Porto, Edições Afrontamento.

VARGUES, I. N. (2007) (Coord.). Revista Estudos do Século XX, Coimbra, 7.

SANTOS, R. (2010). Do jornalismo aos media. Estudos sobre a realidade portuguesa, Universidade Católica Editora.

SILVERSTONE, R. (2007). Media and Morality: On the Rise of the Mediapolis. Cambridge: Polity Press.