Communication Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Communication Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applicable.

Teaching Methods

Classes are taught using the expositive method combined with the active method, allowing that for each syllabus content students perform pedagogical activities either in groups or individually.

Learning Outcomes

Acquire knowledge in the field of reasoning, intentionality and nature of the legal framework that regulates the media sector and of its application to journalism and communication practices;

Demonstrate skills to reflect on the rights of media professionals, media operators and the public’s through the use of the appropriate conceptual tools;

Demonstrate skills to critique the nature and purpose of legal communicative relations;

Identify and valuing legal conflicts and weigh their appropriate solutions;

Apply the regulation in force to the professional practice of journalism and communication.

Work Placement(s)



Part I - Freedom of communication

Theme 1: Historical Background of the freedoms of expression and information

Theme 2: The right to freedom of expression and information in the Portuguese legal system

Theme 3: The tension between freedom of expression and information and the rights of personality

Part II - Limits on freedom of expression and information in the current media ecosystem

Theme 4: The protection of human dignity

Theme 5: Illegal content and childhood

Theme 6: The rights-warranty

Theme 7: The duties of secrecy

Part III - Status of Professionals

Theme 8: Rights and duties

Theme 9: Civil and criminal liability

Topic 10: Copyright.

Assessment Methods

Research work: 30.0%
Frequency: 35.0%
Synthesis work: 35.0%


Carvalho, A. A., Figueiredo, J. P. & Cardoso, A. M. (2012). Direito da Comunicação Social. Lisboa: Texto Editores.

Costa, J. F. (1998). Direito Penal da Comunicação: Alguns Escritos. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.

Machado, J. (2002). Liberdade de Expressão: Dimensões Constitucionais na Esfera Pública do Sistema Social. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.

Pina, S. (2009). Media e Leis Penais. Coimbra: Almedina.

Price, M. E., Verhulst, S. & Morgan, L. (2013). (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Media Law. Routledge.

Simões, R. B. & Camponez, C. (2020). Participação online e conteúdo ofensivo: limites ético-legais da liberdade de expressão nas redes sociais. In R. B. Simões, M. B. Marques & J. Figueira (Org.) Media, informação e literacia: rumos e perspetivas (21-49). Coimbra: IUC.

Simões, R. B., Camponez, C. & Peixinho, A. T. (Eds.) (2013). Justiça e comunicação: o diálogo (im)possível. Coimbra: IUC.

Smart, U. (2017). Media & Entertainment Law. Routledge.