Latin for Juridical Sciences I

Academic year
Subject Area
Latin for Juridical Science I
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Establish the relationship between Latin and Portuguese fostering the understanding of the two linguistic systems.
Explore the texts on the reciprocity of its philological development (uerba) and its philosophical problematization (res)
Refine rhetorical-argumentative issues and discursive strategies

Development of the deductive reasoning through reading.
Promote tasks that lead students to organize their own conceptual schemes in the progressive construction of knowledge.
Broaden students’ vocabulary.

Learning Outcomes

- Problematize ius and lex several related concepts, under an etymological and semantic point of view, by taking as starting point the functional study of Latin expressions.

- Learn Latin main syntactic structures from the sentences legal corpus.

- Reflect on the mechanisms of auctoritas of juris prudentia.

- Understand Law’s epistemic and legal-philosophical roots by interpreting and critical analysis of the sentences.

- Recognize the Latin structures underneath legal terms fixed structures.

-Understand lexical-semantic meaning  by deconstructing the words under an historical and etymological point of view

- Know the classical authors


- Ability to read technical legal message conveyed in the Latin expressions, in all its lexical-semantic and historical dimensions.
- Ability to read in Latin and have some autonomy in its analysis.
- Master basic syntactic and grammatical structures in Latin

- Optimization of rhetorical and argumentative expression in Portuguese

Work Placement(s)



Brief ethical-philosophical approach to legal issues
1.1. Knowing which legal themata are more prone to invoke and call for the use of Latin expressions
1.2. Philological and semantics distinction of sentences utterances.
2. Analysis of excerpts from authors whose work is founding of the legal matrix: Historians, philosophers, rhetoricians and Speakers
a) Livy
b) Cicero
c) Aristotle
d) Phaedrus
e) Virgil
f) Ovid
g) Seneca
h) Horace
i) Lucretius
j) Publilio Siro

- Formal frame of proverbial utterances: main aesthetic-philological features

- Relation of linguistic features with the rhetorical ones

- Verb tenses used in sentences and maxims

- Semic analysis and lexical broadening

- Nominal inflection: five declensions

- Verbal inflection: Four conjugations

- Prepositions and their regencies cases: circumstantial complements

Assessment Methods

Assessment is continuous and formative making use of assessment tools that allow an objective record of the teaching / learning process: tests, text analysis, questionnaires, homework.: 100.0%


CARRILHO, Fernanda, Dicionário de Latim Jurídico, 2ªedição, Almedina, Coimbra 2013.

CICERO, Marco Túlio, Oeuvres Complètes avec la traduction en Français, chez Firmin Didot, Paris, 1972.

CORPVS IVRIS CIVILIS; recognouit et retractauit Paulus Krueger, Weidmann, Nashdruck, 2000.

CUNHA, Paulo Ferreira da, «Agnose Jurídica:releitura de três brocardos de Ulpianus e de outros textos clássicos», in Separata de O Direito, Ano 126, vol 1-2, 1994, p.167.

FERNÁNDEZ DE BUJÁN, Antonio, Historia del Derecho Romano, Aranzadi, Navarra, 2012.

GIANCOTTI, Francesco, Ricerche sulla tradizione manoscritta della sentenze di Publilio Siro, G. D'anna, Messina, 1963.

HORÁCIO, Satires, Epistles and ars poetica, Harvard University Press, 1999.

PINTO, Eduardo Vera Cruz, Curso de Direito Romano, Princípia, Cascais, 2009.

QUINTILIANO, Institutiones oratoriae, Heinemann, London, 1976

SÉNECA, Oeuvres complètes avec la traduction en Français, Firmin Ditot, Paris, 1877.