Social Entrepreneurship Projects

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Classes combine exposure, discussion and independent work of students, whenever possible with a focus on analytics and practical experiences on social entrepreneurship. It’ll also be invited experts and social entrepreneurs with recognized merit and collaborations will be seeking to assure the contact of the students with the practical field of social entrepreneurship and the development of the intervention.

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit is established as an introduction to social entrepreneurship universe as a current strategy and innovative answer to complex and cross problems. Thus, the objectives to achieve are, firstly, to understand: the concept and practice of social entrepreneurship, innovation dynamics and factors inherent to good practices and the factors of (un) successful initiatives and, secondly, the analysis of experiments and projects in social entrepreneurship, as well as the production of value attached to them. It is intended in this way that students are able to identify social entrepreneurship projects and initiatives, to understand its importance and specificity and to operationalize response options, anchored on an assumption of social and economic innovation, to various current issues.

Work Placement(s)



1. Social Entrepreneurship

Concepts, experiences and projects

Policies and initiatives to support innovation and entrepreneurship

2. Modeling of Social Innovation

The Cycle of Innovation

Social impact and good practices

Critical factors of (un) successful implementation of initiatives.

3. Projects and initiatives of social entrepreneurship

Design and specificities

Strategic dimension and production of social value

Social entrepreneurship, economics and inclusion

Entrepreneurship and development

Evaluation process and scaling-up

Assessment Methods

Analysis of an experiment in social entrepreneurship in an audiovisual record(20%);a duly substantiated proposal of a social entrepreneurship initiative (30%): 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


ASHOKA Empreendedores Sociais & McKinsey & Co. Empreendimentos Sociais Sustentáveis: Como elaborar planos de negócio para organizações sociais. São Paulo: Peirópolis, 2001

BORNSTEIN, D. Como Mudar o Mundo: Os Empreendedores Sociais e o Poder de Novas Ideias, Afragide: Estrela Polar, 2007.

BOTTING, N. e NORTON, M. Complete Fundraising Handbook, London: Directory of Social Change, 2007

DUCLOS, Hélène. Evaluer l'utilité sociale de son activité - Conduire une démarche d'auto-évaluation, Les Cahiers de L’AVISE, N.5, 2007

ELKINGTON, John e HARTIGAN, Pamela.Empreendedores Sociais, R. de Janeiro: Campus, 2009

ROCHE, Chris. Avaliação de Impacto dos trabalhos de ONGs, São Paulo: Cortez; Associação Brasileira de ONG, 2002.

STEYAERT, Chris e HJORTH, Daniel. Entrepreneurship as social change: a third movements in entrepreneurship book. 2006. [COP-1878]

Universidade Cooperativa Europeia. "O Referencial Europeu do Empresário Social": UCE, 2003.