Social Support and Case Management

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

In each module, an attempt is made to effect the following approach:

• Exhibition / theoretical information content of operating by the teacher;

• Analysis and debate around the texts and documents;

• Presentation of case studies with particular emphasis on student participation;

• Working group, presentation and plenary discussion of various topics on the Course

Learning Outcomes

The Curricular Unit "Social Support and Case Management" seeks to know and to deepen the theoretical foundations and practical process of Social Work intervention in. Face to the increasing social and economical complexity as well as the need to create new mechanisms of social support and more appropriate intervention to new society demands. In this sense it is focus on social worker practical skills, particularly in his relationship with the citizen framed by new social policies guidelines and social measures, as well as the influence of new models of social intervention, such as the model of case management.

Work Placement(s)



1. The Social Support: Principles and Foundations

- New settings and requirements of social support

- Differences and complementarities between social following and social support

- Contracting processes, assumptions and paradoxes

- Relationship between social support and personalized social policies

- Building plans and social support for different populations

2. The Case Management Model

- Distinguishing features of the case management model and the casework model

Case-management and social mediation

- The figure of "case manager": contexts and roles

- Methodological framework

- Future perspectives of intervention, monitoring and case management in Social work

Assessment Methods

Research work: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Adams, R; Dominelli, L; Payne, M (2011), Critical Practice in Social Work. London: Palgrave.

Albuquerque, C. (2010). Singularização da acção pública e acompanhamento social. Direito e Cidadania «Política Social e

Cidadania», CV, Ano XI, nº 30, nº Especial, 67-85.

Hoven, V. (2003), “Teorias da Intervenção Social”, In Rodrigues, F. (coord.), Poor People, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Ranquet, M (2007) Los modelos en Trabajo Social. Intervención com personas y famílias. Madrid: Ed. Siglo.

Robertis, C (2005) Metodologia de La Intervención en Trabajo Social. Buenos Aires: Lumen Humanitas.

Santos, C (2011) Os modelos de intervenção em Serviço Social: uma análise prática-reflexiva dos modelos de Gestão de Caso

(case management) e modelo de Social Advocacy. Colóquio Internacional de Serviço Social Desafios do Serviço Social.

Universidade dos Açores: Açores.

Viscarrett, J (2007) Modelos y métodos de intervención en Trabajo Social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.