Social Work and Social Managment

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

In each module, an attempt is made to effect the following approach:

• Exhibition / theoretical information content of operating by the teacher;

• Analysis and debate around the texts and documents;

• Presentation of case studies with particular emphasis on student participation;

• Working group, presentation and plenary discussion of various topics on the Course

Learning Outcomes

The Curricular Unit aims to familiarize students with the nature and activities carried out by Third Sector organizations, promoting their awareness to the type and importance of social work intervention on this domain, specially its performance and the democratic deepening of the social, economic and political dimensions. Finally, it is intended to deepen the methodological and instrumental tools engaged on the professional action in third sector organizations, particularly those relating to team management and leadership processes, management and evaluation mechanisms.

Work Placement(s)



Module I - Organizational Social Work

1. The Actual Social Management

1.1  The Science of Services: Theoretical basis, object and perspectives

1.2  Social Equipment Management

2. Measures and Instruments in Groups and Organizational Social Work Management

2.1 Measures of Social Protection: From preventive measures to contracting (individual and collective)

2.2  Instruments of Social Management

2.2.1 Management Instruments of Social Equipment

2.2.2 Management Tools focused on Individual and Family Social Action

3. Reflection on the impact of managerial processes in the construction of the professional profile of Social Work

Module II -  Management Practices in the Third Sector

- Management of the Third Sector

- Models and Processes of Management

-Management of teams

- Quality Management

- Economic sustainability and solidarity values

Module III - The Social Work in the Management of Services

-Day to day management

-Mediation and negotiation as structuring competences

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Helena Gomes dos Reis Amaro da Luz

Assessment Methods

Research work: 50.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Andion, C. (1998) Gestão em organizações da economia solidária: contornos de uma problemática, in Revista de Administração Pública, 32(1): 7-25. Rio de Janeiro: FGV.

Ferreira, S (2009) A intervenção estratégica do terceiro sector in Revista Critica de Ciências Sociais, 84 , pp 169-193. Coimbra: CES

França, G.; Laville (2004).A economia solidária: uma abordagem internacional. Porto Alegre: UFRGS.

Giager, L (2009) Constryendo diálogos en torno a la economia solidária in Revista Critica de Ciências Sociais, 84 , pp 81-101 Coimbra: CES

Lawler, J & Bilson, A (2010) Social Work Management and LeaderShip: Managing Complexity with Creativity. London: Routledge.

Montano, C. (2005) Terceiro setor e questão social: crítica ao padrão emergente de intervenção social. São Paulo: Cortez.