Laboratory of Comp. and Prof. Identity

Academic year
Subject Area
Social Work
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Oral exposition / information of theoretical and practical contents by the teacher;

Analysis and debate about texts and documents;

Presentation of professional narratives with special emphasis on student participation;

Group work, presentation and plenary discussion of various topics on the Course Unit.

Learning Outcomes

Global Objectives:

- Identify the identity profile of the profession of social work and its fields of action

- Clarify and enhance professional skills associated with analysis, operability and communication;;

- Promote critical and reasoned reflection about social work values and principles which are constitutions od Social Work Profession;


- Understanding the contents and professional skills from different threshold;

- Understand the contents of the different thresholds and professional skills;

- Identify and understand the complex system approach in the analysis of professional practice

- Recognize, reflect and discuss in a reflexive way the principles and values structuring of the Profession of Social Work

Work Placement(s)



1.The construction of Professional identity Profile of SW

1.1.Values and Principles of the Profession of SW : what is to be a Social Worker ?

1.2. International Standards of Quality of training and practice in SW. Articulation between theory , practice and values . What means learning to be a Social Worker and intervene with quality?

2 .Competences and Professional Profiles

2.1.Contexts of Work and professional profiles:Which are the fields of SW ? As you build a professional profile? What differentiates the practice of Social Workers? Why co -exist different practices in the same field of intervention?

2.2.Professional skills: What is a competent Social Worker? What skills are associated with it?

3 - Communication, Research, Planning and Evaluation: soft skills in the exercise of professional authority.

3.1-Professional Assignments: Difference between power and authority.

3.2-Authority transformed into power the importance of reasoning and and strategic thinking.Professional writing.

Head Lecturer(s)

Rosa da Primavera Carvalho Neves de Castro

Assessment Methods

Exam (100%) or Test (30%) + Synthesis work (70%): 100.0%


Becket, C. (2006). Essential Theory for Social Work Practice. London: Sage.

Carmo, H. (coord) et al (1996). Exclusão Social : Rotas de Intervenção. Lisboa:ISCSP.

Ejzenberg, Ermitas (2007). Les écrits professionnels dans le secteur social et médico-social. Col. Perspectives Sociales, Paris : Librairie Vuibert Dias, A (1999) Um discurso sobre as Ciências. Revista Interacções nº1. Coimbra: Editora Quarteto

Morin, E. (2008). Introdução ao Pensamento Complexo. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget (5ªEd.).

Netting, F; Kettner, P; McMurtry, S & Thomas, M (2011) Social Work: Macro Practice . New Jersey: Pearson Edition (5th Edition)

IFSW (2004). Global Standards for Education and Training for Social Work Profession.

NASW (2010). Standards for Social Work Case Management.