Educational and Formative Processes in Virtual Space

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Teaching Methods

The theoretical component is supported by a constructivist methology, featuring commentaries and discussion of relevant issues, in which the activity, participation and collaboration of learners are active and vital.The practical component involves the design and development by learners of thematic projects supervised by the teacher

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit  aims to provide future Masters with the ability to reflect on the various aspects of information and communication society

Work Placement(s)



1. Teaching, training and learning in virtual spaces

2. Games  & Videogames

3. Learning communities

4. Bullying & Cyberbullying

5. Journals & Blogues

6. Playground and social networks

7. Portefolios & e-Portefolios

8. Tutor & e-tutor

9. e-learning, b-learning e d-learning

10. Learning with stories, cases and digital narratives

Assessment Methods

Report of a seminar or field trip: 10.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 10.0%
Research work: 10.0%
Synthesis work: 20.0%
Project: 50.0%


Area, M. & Pessoa, T. (2012). De lo sólido a lo liquido: Las nuevas alfabetizaciones ante los câmbios culturales de la Web 2.0. Revista Comunicar,  nº 38, vol. XIX, 13-20

Cebrian, M & Gallego,M. (2011) Procesos educativos com Tics en la sociedad del conocimiento. Madrid: Pirâmide

Pessoa, T. , Matos, A. & Amado, J. (2012). Bullying e Cyberbullying – Da compreensão à formação de professores. Revista Nova Ágora, Nº 3, pp. 42-44

Pessoa, T. , Matos, A., Amado, J. (2011). Cyberbullying: do diagnóstico de necessidades à construção de um manual de formação. Sips – Revista Interuniversitária de Pedagogía Social, 18, 57-70.

Oliveira, R. & Pessoa, T.. & Taborda, Mª C. (2009) Aprender com os videojogos: a percepção dos jovens adultos. Actas do X Congresso Internacional Luso Galaico de Pisopedagogia (pp. 5483-5492). Braga: CIEd-Universidade do Minho.

Rodriguez Marcos, A. & Pessoa, T.  (coord. ) (2011). A Vida nas Escolas – casos para formação de professores . Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade