Anti-Social Behaviour and Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Not applied

Teaching Methods

Given the reduced weekly time load reserved to this teaching unit, we choose theoretical/practical classes. But whenever possible we will enrich the theoretical exposition with the use of case analysis, research projects, life events or news from the courts regarding issues relevant to this course.

Learning Outcomes

The general objective of this course is to provide an overview and critique of current scientific knowledge in the field of antisocial behavior, and the skills necessary to develop small research projects and / or intervention as well as rigorous analysis of the same. Special attention will be devoted to its implication to education.

Among the competencies that at the end of this course, students should have acquired are the following:

- Know the most important scientific production in the field of anti-social behavior and develop the skills necessary to make a critical judgment about it;

- Know how to use concepts, methods and tools necessary for an autonomous work of research and / or intervention in this area;

- Identify and examine the factors and processes that contribute to the emergence and continuity / discontinuity of these behaviors, with especial emphasis on school factors;

- Draw implications for educational and therapeutic interventions.

Work Placement(s)



1. The concept of anti-social behaviour and delinquency; Similar concepts; Relation between anti-social behaviour and crime/delinquency. Anti -social behaviour and education.

2. Methods and instruments. - A wide variety of methodologies imported from different fields and examples of studies. - Instruments and complementary ways of collecting information.

3. Risk factors for antisocial behaviour. - Heterogeneity of risk factors. Factors related to family and factors related to school.

4. Heterogeneity and classification of anti-social behaviour.

5. Psychopathy.

6. Theories of Anti-Social Behaviour. – Types of theories: sociological, criminal and psychological theories.

7. Drug use and anti-social behaviour.

8. Indiscipline and violence in school.

9. Anti-social behaviour and Teachers Training.

10. Psychosocial intervention in the field of anti-social behaviour and crime.

11. Bibliography

Assessment Methods

A avaliação será feita no final do semestre e consistirá num teste com respostas de escolha múltipla que sobre toda a matéria exposta no decorrer das aulas. Poderá também haver algumas perguntas de desenvolvimento curto: 100.0%


Cullen, F. T. & Agnew, R. (Ed.) (2006), Criminological theory: Past to present.  Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing.

Elliott, D. S., Hamburg, B. A. & Williams, K. R. (1998).Violence in schools: A new perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

*Flannery, D., Vazonyi, A. & Waldman, I. (2007). The Cambridge handbook of violent behavior and aggression. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

*Fonseca, A. C. (2002) (Ed.). Comportamento Anti-social e Família. Coimbra: Almedina.

*Fonseca, A. C. (2004). Comportamento anti-social e crime: da infância à idade adulta. Coimbra: Almedina.

*Goldstein, A. P. & Conoley, J. C. (Eds.) (1997). School violence intervention. New York: The Guilford Press.

Hill, J. & Maughan, B. (Eds.) (2000). Conduct disorders in childhood and adolescence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lawrence, R. (1998). School crime and juvenile justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Sprick (2013). Discipline in the secondary classroom. S. Francisco: John Wiley.