Special Needs During Adulthood and Old Age

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Students should have intermediate knowledge of written and spoken Portuguese, English and Spanish

Teaching Methods

This curricular unit gives priority to lectures and active learning methods, although other methods and strategies will be used in classes.Taking in consideration the theoretical-practicalx of this Curricular Unit students will debate practical cases, discuss interventions, analyse legal documents, and compare practices, context in which it is mobilized active method. In adittion to content exposition interrogative and demonstrative methods will also be used.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that students demonstrate to have adquired  knowledge of critical analysis of the construct SN, and that integrate it within the scope of the paradigm of inclusion and the theoretical approaches of life long learning. They should  also be able to analyse distinct specificities of the manifestatio of different types of special needs in diferentiated periods of life and contexts. They should also demonstrate skills in planning and implementation of needs analysis and educational intervention, and also in the evaluation of the actions taken. Finally, At last, students will proceed to the analysis of the Educational Sciences professionals' competences profile, identifying knowledge and competences. technical and transversal, that sustain their action in this area.

Work Placement(s)



THEME 1 - Special Needs in adulthood and old age

Special Needs: Disability, Incapacity and Functionality. Definitions, types and prevalence of SN; congenital and acquired SN; temporary and permanent SN, SN and development; SN and inclusion

THEME 2 - Challenges of adulthood and old age in people with SN diagnosed since adolescence /youth : diagnostic procedures; educational intervention in (non) formal contexts (work , family, community); evaluation of the intervention; fundamental rights and freedoms of the adult person with SN; managing participation and empowerment

THEME 4 - Signaling SN, for the first time, during adulthood and / or old age

diagnostic procedures; educational intervention in (non) formal contexts (work , family, community); evaluation of the intervention; fundamental rights and freedoms of the adult person with SN; managing participation and empowerment

THEME 5 - Profile of competences of the Professional of Sciences Education, in this area

Assessment Methods

Midtern exam (50%) + Synthesis work (50%) or Exam (100%): 100.0%


Backman, L., & Nyberg, L. (2010). Successful aging: Perspectives from the behavioral sciences. New York:Cambridge University Press.

Frank; R. & Elliott, T. (2000). Handbook of rehabilitation psychology. Washington: APA.

Fry,P. S., & Keyes, C. (2010). New frontiers in resilient aging:Life-strengths and well-being in late life. New York:Cambridge Univ Press.

Gauthier, S., & Rosa-Neto, P. (Eds.) (2011). Cases studies in Dementia: Common and uncommon presentations. New York:Cambridge Univ.Press.

Roffman, A. (2000). Meeting the Challenge of Learning Disabilities in Adulthood. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Company.

Shogren, K. (2013). Self-Determination and Transition Planning. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Company.

Simões, A.(2006).A nova velhice: um novo público a formar.Coimbra:Almedina.