Organization and Management of Vocational Training

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Teaching Methods

We aim to combine the expository method for presentation and elucidation with the use of pedagogical practices based on student work. Throughout the course of the curricular unit, it will also be encouraged the development of  review and/or research work; development of small works on the issues covered in class; preparing questions about the content of the classes; performing small summaries on the issues covered.

Learning Outcomes

In this curricular unit students should recognize the importance of lifelong training considering both personal and organizational advantages as well as the demands of contemporary society. Thus, we indicate the following student learning outcomes:

Identify the main reasons justifying the need for lifelong training in modern societies;

Understand the main ideas and perspectives that underlie the post-initial training;

Understand training as strategy of knowledge;

Identify key aspects of the profile and functions of the trainer;

Envisage the characteristics of the main steps in the definition of training programs;

Master the fundamentals of training strategic planning;

Master the steps and methods of assessment of the organization of training

Work Placement(s)



The need and relevance of the training:

the perspective of the organizations;

the personal perspective.

General Conditions to follow in order to organize training.

Types of training

Strategies for knowledge management

Knowledge and training

Skills to act and intervene in a professional situation

Knowledge management

Steps of training organizing

Comprehensive understanding of organization and Training Management contents.

Structuring teaching and learning and the scheduling of activities

Profiles and roles of the educator / trainer

Strategic planning of training

Assessment of training organization

The development of education/training programs

Head Lecturer(s)

Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis

Assessment Methods

A avaliação terá sempre dois ou mais momentos: por exemplo uma prova tipo exame e a elaboração de um trabalho e será definida previamente com os estudantes .: 100.0%


Abbad, G. S. & Borges-Andrade, J. E. & Mourão, L. (2006). Planejamento instrucional em TD&E.  In Treinamento, Desenvolvimento e Educação em Organizações e Trabalho: fundamentos para a gestão de pessoas. Porto Alegre: Artmed (pp. 289-321).

Cardim, J. C. (2009). Gestão da Formação nas organizações. A formação na prática e na estratégia das organizações. Lisboa-Porto: Lidel.

Ferreira, A. I. e Martinez, L. F. (2008). Manual de diagnóstico e Mudança Organizacional. Lisboa:Editora RH.

Ketele, J-M De e al (1994). Guia do Formador. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

López, E. & Zayas, B. (Coord.). (2006). Estrategias de formación en el Siglo XXI. Barcelona: Ariel.