Intervention Models and Techniques in Education and Training

Academic year
Subject Area
Educational Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of models and techniques of Education and Training

Teaching Methods

Expositive and demonstrative

Debates, reflections and discussions in small and large group

Exercises, games and group dynamics

Preparation and implementation of educational simulations (initial and final)

Learning Outcomes

1) To problematize, through a complex and critical perspective, phenomena in education and training, as well as to foresee modes of action and research.

2) To design education / training processes for different contexts and with different groups and purposes, using appropriate devices for the design, implementation, evaluation and execution of programs and projects of training.

3) To develop skills susceptible to provide effective pedagogical relationships in different learning contexts and with different audiences.

4) To know different programs, strategies and techniques for effective intervention in the educational/training processes and dynamics.

5) To apply principles and techniques of group dynamics for training animation.

6) To master the principles and techniques of motivation, developing assertiveness, conflict management and negotiation.

Work Placement(s)



  I. Intervention in education and training with different individuals, groups and contexts: Models and techniques

 II. The referential of pedagogical training of IEFP/Portugal trainers.

III. The professional profile of the trainer: Intervention area and core competencies

IV. The role and implementation of the principles and techniques of group dynamics in education and training

 V. The motivation, assertiveness, negotiation and simulation in education and training intervention

VI. Pedagogical simulation as a formative technique for the development of teaching skills

Head Lecturer(s)

Albertina Lima Oliveira

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 20.0%
Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Other: 50.0%


Azevedo, L. (1996). Comunicar com assertividade. Lisboa: IEFP

Bárbara, L. (2009). Métodos e técnicas pedagógicas/andragógicas. Edição FCA – Teto de Nuvens

Brull, C. (1994). La acción educativa. In J. Castillejo, G. Vázquez, A. Colom, & J. Sarramona. Teoria de la Educación. Madrid: Taurus Ediciones.

Lopes, L., & Pereira, M. (2004). Métodos e técnicas pedagógicas. Lisboa: FDTI

Oliveira, A. L. (2004). O professor enquanto facilitador da aprendizagem. Psychologica, nº Extra-Série de homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Manuel Viegas Abreu, 523-534.

Pinheiro, M. P. (2012a). Avaliação das boas práticas associadas à aprendizagem dos estudantes do ensino superior In Ensino Superior: Inovação e qualidade na docência, ed. CIIE,  206-221. Porto.

Trindade, Rui (2002). Experiências educativas e situações de aprendizagem: Novas práticas pedagógicas. Porto: Edições ASA.

Sadalla, A. M. F. A. & Larocca, P. (2004). Autoscopia: Um procedimento de pesquisa e formação. In Educação e Pesquisa. V. 30, nº 3, 419-433