Advanced Topics in Social Research

Academic year
Subject Area
Scientific Methodology
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of scientific and technical / process knowledge data collection.

Teaching Methods

The unit has a theoretical dimension and reflective practice, and covers different methods of teaching and learning, namely: theoretical sessions, analyzing texts and seminar - space for presentation and discussion on experiences and research results may occur collaboration with external researchers. The assessment provides an analysis of texts and problem solving with practical examples.

Learning Outcomes

The course In-depth Issues for Social Research (QAIS) is a course of central interest in preparing students for the completion of the final work of the Masters (3rd Semester), in that it promotes the consolidation of knowledge and the acquisition and development of operative, analytical and reflective skills required to build the object. This unit explains the requirements, limitations and potential of social research and opens horizons for the discussion of the state of the art Research in Social Work in the Seminar (2nd Semester).

Thus, this curricular unit aims:

- Deepening theoretical matrix analytical complexity of scientific research.

- Exploring the analytic features of quantitative, qualitative and mixed plans of research.

- Analysis of the requirements, limitations and potential of qualitative and quantitative research.

- Development of critical thinking, reflective and inherent operating research process, specifically with regard to the validity and reliability of research.

Work Placement(s)



1. Characteristics of Quantitative Research Plans

1.1 The quantitative process of scientific research: a review of the key steps

1.2 Clarification of theoretical concepts relevant within the quantitative methodology for research and statistical analysis of data

1.3 Possible quantitative research plans

2. Characteristics of Qualitative Research Plans

2.1 Case Studies

2.2 Grounded theory

2.3 Ethnography

2.4 Biographical approaches

3. Features Plans Multi-Methodological or Mixed

3.1 Action inquiry

3.2 Evaluation studies

3.3 Comparative studies

4. The Data Analysis: requirements, limitations and potential

4.1 Analysis of qualitative data

4.2 Analysis of quantitative data.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sónia Guadalupe dos Santos Ribeiro Neves de Abreu

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Synthesis work: 40.0%
Written work: 60.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


Amado, J. (Org.) (2013). Manual de Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Coutinho, Clara Pereira (2011). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: Teoria e Prática, Coimbra, Almedina. [FEUC - BP 303 COU].

Duarte, Teresa (2009). "A possibilidade da investigação a 3: reflexões sobre triangulação (metodológica)". CIES, e-Working Paper, 60.

Flick, Uwe (2009) - Introdução à Pesquisa Qualitativa, Porto Alegre, Artmed/Bookman, (3ªed.). [FEUC – BP 001.8 FLI].

Vieira, Cristina M, (1999) “A Credibilidade da investigação Científica de Natureza Qualitativa: questões relativas à Fidelidade e Validade”, Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. Ano XXXIII, n.º2, 89-101.

Weller, Wivian & Pfaff, Nicole (orgs.) (2010). Metodologias da Pesquisa Qualitativa em Educação – Teoria e Prática. Petrópolis, Editora Vozes, 2010. [FEUC - BP 303 MET].