Advanced Management Accounting

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The theoretical contents of the curricular unit will be presented through lectures illustrated whenever possible with practical cases. Students must apply the competences acquired through practical activities, including the analysis of case studies and exercises, as well as the delivery and class discussion of a group project. The sharing of professional experience will be encouraged during these activities.

Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide an understanding about the key tools and techniques used by management accounting that provide information to organizations to support decision making and help achieve the short-term or long- term objectives. The theoretical rigor is always associated with the practical use through the study of cases of different organizations. Case study, though not exclusively, they are the primary method to achieve the objectives of learning.

At the end of this course, master students should be able to implement the key tools and techniques used by management accounting, in different sectors.

Work Placement(s)



1. Management Accounting, Cost Accounting and Strategic Management Accounting

2. Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting - NCRF 18 (Inventories)

3. Cost Systems and cost alocation - ABC (Activity Based Costing)

4. Activity Based Management (ABM) e o TDABM (Time-Driven Activity-Based Management)

5. Cost management and value creation:

      Target costing


      Value analysis and  tear-down analysis

      Value engineering

      Business process re-engineering (BPR)

      Kaisen Cost

      Life cycle cost

      Total quality management (TQM)

      JIT systems

      Theory of constrains (TOC)

6. Strategic cost managemen, Value chain analysis and “lean” thinking

7. Management Accounting and sustainable devesopment

8. Management Accounting in different sectors

Head Lecturer(s)

Isabel Maria Correia Cruz

Assessment Methods

Project: 50.0%
Mini Tests: 50.0%


Datar, S. & Madhav, V. (2021). Horngren's Cost Accounting: a Managerial Emphasis. (17th ed.). Pearson. Drury, J. C. (2021). Management and Cost Accounting.(11th Revised ed.). Cengage Learning EMEA.

Garrison, R.; E. Noreen e Brewer (2021). Managerial Accounting. (17th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Hansen, D. R. & Mowen, M. M. (2005). Management Accounting. (7th Ed, Thomson South-Western.

Hilton, et al. (2006) - Cost management – Strategies for business decisions. (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Kaplan, R. e Atkinson, A., 1998, Advanced Management Accounting. (3rd ed.). Prentice-Hall International Ed.