Oral and Written Communication - Pre-Intermediate Level B1

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites

A2 level in Portuguese

Teaching Methods

Dynamic and interactive activities in pairs or groups will often be developed by simulating everyday situations, focusing on the communicative needs of students.

These will include tasks covering 4 different fields: (i) listening; (ii) speaking; (iii) reading; (iv) writing.

Students will have contact with several social fields, situations, types of written and oral texts, speech acts, subjects, and concepts that will be necessary for using language in various communicative activities, in accordance with level B1.

Self-regulation activities are also foreseen.

Learning Outcomes

The goal of this course unit is to develop communication skills in Portuguese at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).

According to the general goals set for level B1 of the CEFRL, after completing this course unit, students should be able to:

- interact with other speakers in various contexts, in the private and public spheres, namely in educational and professional contexts, demonstrating discourse and practical skills to interact efficiently, with a degree of autonomy, different types of speakers, in common situations of everyday life;

- produce structured and coherent statements on subjects of their interest.

Work Placement(s)



Focusing on the subject fields described in the course unit “Portuguese Language Structures”, the syllabus will address:

A.         Types of texts (oral and written):

descriptive texts; narrative texts; expository texts; letters, notes and e-mails (formal and informal); medium-size accounts (stories; testimonies); interviews; brief sports comments; simple news pieces (television, radio); simple injunctions; brief documentaries (television, radio).


B. Communicative acts:

•          requesting and expressing opinions in detail

•          accepting/ hesitating/agreeing to suggestions/proposals

•          advising, recommending, admonishing, and warning

•          commenting

•          being polite using the appropriate resources for each particular circumstance


C)         Cohesion mechanisms

•          textual connectors

•          anaphora (vs. deixis)

Head Lecturer(s)

Tiago Nuno Raposo Pais Gonçalves Loureiro

Maria Carmen de Castro Duarte de Frias e Gouveia

Assessment Methods

Mini Tests: 100.0%


Em cada edição poderá vir a ser adotado um manual e/ou poderão ser disponibilizados materiais aos alunos.

 Outro material (gramáticas e dicionários):

ARRUDA, Lígia (2012) Gramática de Português Língua Não Materna. Porto: Porto Editora.

COELHO, Luísa; João CASTELEIRO; Carla OLIVEIRA (2007). Gramática Aplicada. Português Língua Estrangeira. A1, A2 e B1. Lisboa : Texto Editores.

COIMBRA, Isabel; Olga Mata COIMBRA (2011) Gramática Ativa 1. Lisboa: Lidel.

Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Col. Dicionários Editora. Porto Editora.

Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003-2018. Disponível na Internet: https://www.infopedia.pt/dicionarios/lingua-portuguesa.