Portuguese Language Stucture - Initiation Level A1

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Since this course unit aims to support the development of the skills specified in the unit “Oral and Written Communication”, the "focus on form" approach uses oral and written stimuli, as well as opportunities for language use, to develop an explicit study of the grammar and lexical structures related to the thematic areas of the syllabus.

Learning Outcomes

According to the general goals set for level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), after completing this course unit, students should be able to interact in a simple way and with the help of the listener, focusing on concrete subjects of their everyday lives, using very common vocabulary and expressions.

Thus, the goal is to work on lexical and grammatical contents necessary for producing and understanding simple statements related to everyday situations, both orally and in writing.

Work Placement(s)



•personal information
•daily routines
•free time
•temporal location
•the weather
•spatial orientation
•trade and services
•human body and health

Grammar contents
1. Word classes (formal and semantic aspects)
•Verb: present, preterite, and imperfect tenses of the indicative mood; imperative (affirmative); impersonal infinitive; periphrasis with the infinitive
•Determiner: article (definite and indefinite), demonstrative, and possessive
•Pronoun: personal (subject, reflexive, indirect object and with preposition), demonstrative, possessive, and interrogative
•Preposition-determiner contractions

2. Syntax
•Unmarked syntactic orders
•Negative and interrogative sentences
•Simple and complex sentences: coordinate and subordinate clauses using the indicative and infinitive moods (causal; temporal; final; complement)

3. Vocabulary
•Word formation: derivation
•Semantic relations

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Margarida Gaspar Sobral Simões

Sara Alexandra Pinto Pratas

Assessment Methods

Mini Tests: 100.0%


Em cada edição poderá vir a ser adotado um manual e/ou poderão ser disponibilizados materiais aos alunos.

Outro material (gramáticas e dicionários):

ARRUDA, Lígia (2012) Gramática de Português Língua Não Materna. Porto: Porto Editora.

COELHO, Luísa; João CASTELEIRO; Carla OLIVEIRA (2007). Gramática Aplicada. Português Língua Estrangeira. A1, A2 e B1. Lisboa : Texto Editores.

COIMBRA, Isabel; Olga Mata COIMBRA (2011) Gramática Ativa 1. Lisboa: Lidel.

Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa. Col. Dicionários Editora. Porto Editora.

Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003-2018. Disponível na Internet: https://www.infopedia.pt/dicionarios/lingua-portuguesa.