Management and Administration of Education and Training II

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

It is recommend the frequency of  Management Education and Training I.

Teaching Methods

Lecture method associated with the use of pedagogical practices that promote independent work of students and their active participation in the learning process, such as making summaries, presentation and discussion of texts and conducting group work.

Learning Outcomes

This course is intended to promote reflection and critical analysis on issues of administration and management of education and training and develop competences of analysis and intervention, taking into account the specificity of the field of education.

At the end of this curricular unit students should be able to:

- Understand basic concepts and theoretical perspectives of education administration and management.

- Understand the  recent historical development of the local educational administration

- Know the local expertise in the educational field

- Identify the phases and devices of the model of strategic management

- Critically and justifiably analyze changes in education administration and management of educational organizations.

Work Placement(s)



1.  Administration and management of education and training - theoretical and methodological pluralism.

2.  Trends in the evolution of educational administration. The New Public Management: from bureaucratic to post-bureaucratic models.

3.   Administration and local management of education..

3.1   Evolution of the role and involvement of municipalities in Portugal in education in recent decades.

3.2   Strategic management in the local administration of education.Municipal educational projects

4.  The new public management and educational organizations. Leadership and management in education. The issue of quality and accountability.

4.1  The model of strategic management

4.2  Models of leadership.

4.3  A quality assessment. General principles of Total Quality Management. The model Commom Assessement framewok CAF: criteria and implementation methodology.

4.4  The development of accountability systems.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Maria Magalhães Teixeira Seixas

Assessment Methods

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%

Continuous evaluation
Synthesis work: 10.0%
Oral and written presentation of group work about the theme define . : 40.0%
Frequency: 50.0%


Afonso, A. J.(2010).Gestão, autonomia, accountability na escola pública portuguesa: Breve diacronia. Rev. Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação, 26(1), 13-30.

Azevedo, R.(coord.)(2011).Projetos educativos: Elaboração, monitorização e avaliação. Lisboa: ANQ

Barroso, J(2005).Políticas Educativas e Organização Escolar. Lisboa:Univ. Aberta

Carapeto, C &Fonseca, F.(2006)Administração Pública. Lisboa. Ed. Sílabo

Costa, J et al(2004) Políticas e gestão local da educação. Aveiro:Univ. de Aveiro

DGAEP(2012). Caf educação. Lisboa:DGAEP

Estevão, C(2013). A Qualidade da educação: suas implicações na política e na gestão pedagógica.Rev. Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação 29, 1,15-26

Estevão, C (1998).Gestão estratégica nas escolas. Lisboa: ME/IIE

Machado, J et al.(2014).Municípios, Educação e Desenvolvimento Local. V.N.Gaia: Fund. Manuel Leão

Pinhal, J (2011).A construção do sistema educativo local em Portugal Uma história recente. Rev. Pensamento, 6 ,12, 13-27.