History of Education

Academic year
Subject Area
Education Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

History  - secondary education.

Teaching Methods

Lecture method associated with pedagogical practices based on students’ work in order to build a framework and elucidate. Throughout the curricular unit, students will be encouraged to:

- carry out assignments on literature review and/or research;

- carry out brief assignments concerning issues approached in classes;

- elaborate questions about the content approached in classes;

- carry out brief summaries of the themes discussed in classes;

- reflect on the principles, ideological guidelines, educational conditions and the assumptions of educational practice.

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit is designed as an introduction to knowledge provided by History of Education. The basic idea that supports its pedagogical guidance is to provide a set of references that serve to practice educational reflection, beginning in the knowledge provided by the History of Education.

Students should:

- practice educational reflection considering the knowledge of History;

- relate the conditions of society to the dynamics of education in the same period;

- distinguish pedagogical proposals of educational realities;

- characterize pedagogical thinking of different epochs;

- demonstrate the importance of the ideas of the most relevant authors in the history of pedagogy;

- clarify the main features of policies and educational institutions of each epoch.

Work Placement(s)



I - Purpose and relevance of History of Education:

1) Necessity and usefulness of History of Education;

2) History of Education, History of Pedagogy, History of Child, School History.

II - Educational Concepts:

1) Education in Antiquity;

2) Education in the Middle Ages:

3) Pedagogy of Modern Ages and the Old Portuguese Regime:

4) Contemporary Education and Educators:

III - History of childhood:

1) Children and living conditions:

2) Children’s understanding:

IV - Schooling in Portugal:

1) From the Middle Ages to the advent of liberalism:

 2) Liberal education: compulsory education, secondary education, higher education.

Head Lecturer(s)

Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis

Assessment Methods

Continuous evaluation
Synthesis work: 30.0%
Frequency: 70.0%

Final evaluation
Exam: 100.0%


Cambi, F. (1999). História da pedagogia. São Paulo: Editora UNESP.

Carvalho, R. (1985). História do ensino em Portugal. Desde a fundação da nacionalidade até o fim do regime de Salazar-Caetano. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Ferreira, A. G. (2007). Crianças, alunos e menores: Elementos para uma compreensão social da infância em Portugal. In J. Pintassilgo, L. A. Alves, L. G. Correia & M. L. Felgueiras (orgs.), A História da Educação em Portugal. Balanço e perspectivas, Porto: Edições ASA.

Ferreira, A. (2011). A Europa e a herança cultural da escola. Revista Educação em Questão, Natal, EDUFRN, 40 (26), 19-30.

Magalhães, J.  (2010). Da cadeira ao banco. Escola e modernização (Séculos XVIII-XX). Lisboa: Educa/ Unidade de I&D de Ciências da Educação.

Nóvoa, A. & Santa-Clara A. T. (2003). “Liceus de Portugal”. Histórias, arquivos, memórias. Porto: Edições ASA.