Business Process Management
Information Systems
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Knowledge of Management Information Systems (check syllabus of the BSc course Information Systems).
It will be advantageous to have concluded the Enterprise Architecture course in this Masters.
Teaching Methods
Lectures will be used to present concepts, models, tools and techniques. Slides and BPM tools will be used to introduce key examplese to illustrate topics and their relation to real cases. An attempt will be made to have professionals teach some invited classes.
The Theoretical-Practical classes will be used to solve problems of higher complexity. The instructor will exemplify how to address them, and then will challenge the students to carry on. The instructor will answer questions posed by different groups. Diverse BPM tools will be used.
Learning Outcomes
This curricular unit introduces key concepts and approaches to business process management and improvement. Its main focus is on understanding, designing and improving business processes.
Students will learn how to identify, design, document, model, assess, and improve business processes. In doing so, they will realize the challenges that are involved. Students will also understand how IT can be used to support automation, management, transformation, and improvement of business processes. They will learn how to use specific tools for this purpose. Finally, students will also learn about the challenges, advantages, and risks of inter-organizational processes and process outsourcing.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction to business processes
2. Process modeling
3. Process discovery
4. Process assessment
5. Process improvement
6. IT support for business processes
7. Inter-organizational business processes and business process outsourcing.
Head Lecturer(s)
Paulo José Osório Rupino da Cunha
Assessment Methods
Exam: 50.0%
Mini Tests: 50.0%
Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Mendling, J., Reijers, H.A. (2013) Fundamentals of Business Process Management, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Variados artigos científicos sobre os tópicos em estudo | Assorted scientific papers about the topics under study.