Service Engineering
Information Systems
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Information Systems
Distributed Systems
Teaching Methods
Theoretical classes: Detailed description of concepts, principles, methodologies and best practices used to engineer services in organizations. Presentation and discussion of case studies to illustrate the practical importance of methodologies.
Theoretical-practical classes: Resolution of practical exercises and exploration of case studies which require the combination and association of concepts presented in theoretical classes. Fostering of critical thinking in the presence of more intricate problems.
Learning Outcomes
The expansion of the service sector demands the use of scientific and systematic methods to create and manage them. Service engineering takes an important step to clarify the definition, design, modeling, execution and analysis of services. The course presents methodologies, methods, techniques, tools and technologies, illustrating their use in real or realistic cases. It provides a comprehensive reference suitable for students who aspire to learn about or to create a deeper scientific foundation for service design and engineering, service experience, and service management and innovation.
During the course students should acquire competences on the design and implementation of services, namely online services.
Work Placement(s)
Part I - Service Design
- The service concept, relevance of services, considerations about service design
- Designing services: exploration
- Designing services: creation, reflection, implementation
- Open Service Innovation
Parte II - Service Development
- Cloud computing.
- RESTFul services, OpenAPI/Swagger and GraphQL
- Introduction to front-end development
- Security in front-end development
- Data storage on the cloud
- CAP and PACELC theorems
- Serverless computing and Amazon AWS workflow services
- Amazon AWS Services: Simple Queue Service, Simple Notification Service, Simple Email Service, CloudFormation, CloudWatch, Identity and Access Management
- Cloud Architectures. Reliability, Availability, Scalability & Elasticity
- Load Balancing
- Containerization
- Machine Learning Services on the Cloud
Head Lecturer(s)
Jacinto Paulo Simões Estima
Assessment Methods
Project: 50.0%
Exam: 50.0%
Stickdom & Schneider (2011). This is Service Design Thinking. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers
Documentation from Amazon AWS.
Load Balancing Servers, Firewalls, and Caches. Chandra Kopparapu, ISBN: 978-0-471-41550-3
Diverse technical and scientific papers on the various course topics.