Russian Language and Culture II

Academic year
Subject Area
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Theoretical and practical classes.Grammatical explanation.Vocabulary drilling. Transcription of words and phrases.Communicative situations of diversified nature. Discussion of the main socio-cultural events of the period under study.

Learning Outcomes

The course is intended for students wishing to acquire Russian Language spoken language patterns and learn its basic grammatical contents. Learning is based on the assimilation of a limited number of more or less stereotyped phrases in order to allow communicative interaction in predictable situations corresponding to level A1.1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).
The repetition of these phrases, became ​​automatic, enhancing the ability to convey a range of considerable notions, emotions, goals, etc.. It will also be provided a summarizing chart of the most significant events of Russian socio-cultural space, throughout its history, its main artistic forms. Acquisition of Russian basic phonetics, spelling and grammar knowledge corresponding to level A1.1, according to the CEFR, as well as the most important moments in the history and culture of Russian civilization. 

Work Placement(s)



Modern Cyrillic alphabet, correlation between sounds and graphemes.
Essentials notions on phonetics, grammar and prosody.
Basic vocabulary and their combinatorial possibilities.
Comprehension exercises writing and speaking.

Conversation topics:
- Etiquette in spoken communication (continued).
- Numbers and expressions of temporal location.
- Shopping and commercial establishments.
- Gastronomy and food.
- the physical states, sensations and feelings.
- Health and Disease, the human body and health services.
- City and travel

Head Lecturer(s)

Elena Nikolaeva

Assessment Methods

The completion of the course supposes the completion of all proposed activities, final grade is expressed on a scale of 0-20, 10 points is a minimum grade for final approval. The assessment of the courses is guided by specific regulations, refer at 100.0%


Khavronina,Serafima et al.–Fale Russo(trad. do Russo).Moscovo:Ed.Língua Russa,1977.
Kurbatova,Irina –Russian… It’s easy! Manual da Língua Russa para principiantes.Moscovo:Ed.Russki Yazik, Cursy.2006.
Kurlova,Irina–Natchinaem tchitat’ po-russki!Compêndio de leitura para estrangeiros principiantes de Russo.Moscovo:Ed.Russki Yazik,Cursy.2012.
Medvedev,Roy–A URSS em mudança.(trad. do Russo).Lisboa:Ed.Don Quixote,1988.
Pliassov,Vladimir et al.–Língua Russa.Expressões da linguagem coloquial.Moscovo:UEHM,1998.
Robin Milner-Gulland e Nikolai Dejevsky-Rússia dos Czares aos Sovietes.(Lisboa):Círculo de Leitores de 1992.
Voinova, Natalia et al.–Dicionário Russo-Português.Moscovo:Ed.Russki Yazik,1989.
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