Spanish Language and Culture III

Academic year
Subject Area
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The course completion supposes the realization of all the proposed activities; the evaluation is expressed in a final grade on a scale of 0-20 points. Is necessary to obtain a minimum of 10 points to have final approval.
The assessment is continuous. It will include work done in class, student’s participation, written assignments on specific themes and partial exams.

Assessment methods must be adjusted to the learning outcomes and can take different forms, such as a written report, a project, a theoretical or a research review, a test, an exam).

Learning Outcomes

This course provides a continuation to the study of Spanish as a foreign language at level B1 (CEFR). 

Understand instructions and explanations, in formal and informal register, whether oral or written, with a higher degree of complexity.

Being able to defend an opinion with coherent and compelling arguments.
Linguistic correction: recognize mistakes and being able to self-correction.
Oral fluency and correct pronunciation without the influence of Portuguese.
Writing in an appropriate register.
Capacity of self-correction.
Ability to use specific vocabulary.

Work Placement(s)



8.1. Functional contents correspond to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages[CEFR].

8.2. Grammar contents correspond to Level B1 of CEFR. Emphasis is given to the future and conditional tenses (amaré, amaría), to the contrast between the subjunctive in Spanish and Portuguese (introduction), the imperative and prepositions.

8.3. Lexical contents correspond to Level B1 of CEFR.

8.4. Sociocultural contents correspond to Level B1 of CEFR. These contents are based on the Cervantes Institute curriculum  for Spanish. A detailed description is available on the CL webpage.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Paz Candela de la Torre

Assessment Methods

The courses assessment is guided by a set of rules, available in 100.0%


ALONSO, Rosario et al. (2005): Gramática básica del estudiante de español, Barcelona: Difusión.

ÁLVAREZ, M.ª Ángeles et al. (2005): Vuela 5 (B1), Madrid: Anaya.

ÁLVAREZ, M.ª Ángeles et al. (2005): Vuela 6 (B1), Madrid: Anaya.

CASTRO, Francisca (2006): Aprende gramática y vocabulario 3, Madrid: SGEL.

LÓPEZ LLEBOT, M.ª Rosa (2008): Hablemos en clase, Madrid: Edinumen.

MIQUEL, Lourdes y Neus SANS (2008): De dos en dos. Ejercicios interactivos de producción oral. Nivel básico e intermedio, Barcelona: Difusión.