Military History of Portugal: XIIth-XVth centuries

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

The teaching of this course is based on theoretical and theoretical-practical classes and, whenever possible, with the support of diverse iconography (schemas, maps, illuminated manuscripts, photos, etc.) and illustrated with the critical analysis of literary and documentary sources.

Learning Outcomes

It is Intended that the student, according to a diachronic analysis model, understands and contextualizes the elements that characterize the art of war in Portugal between the beginning of the twelfth century and the late fifteenth century, namely: the various bodies that constitute the Portuguese armies (with an analysis based on the royal hosts, including the navy); logistics and military administration; castles and walled towns; weaponry; strategic options; the various types of armed clashes and tactical models adopted in pitched battle, and the consequences of the war.

Work Placement(s)



1.The medieval armies

Noblemen corps

Municipal militias

The military orders

The King's Guard

Mercenaries and “homiziados”

Artillery and gunners

The navy.

2. Military logistics and administration

Horse breeding and trading

Offensive and defensive individual weapons

Weapon manufacture and storage

Financing the war

The military authorities

3. Fortifications: castles and urban walls

Architecture and construction

The network of fortresses

The command and defense of fortresses

4. The practice of war

History of the campaigns:

a) Reconquista

b) Wars with Castile

c) North Africa

Strategy and tactics

a) The main campaigns

b) The “chevauchées”

c) Sieges (besiegers and besieged)

d) Pitched battles (tactical models - case studies)

Gunpowder artillery and the new forms of warfare

The articulation between the army and naval operations

5. The consequences of war

Enrichment and impoverishment

Devastation and depopulation

Assessment Methods

Research work: 100.0%


1. João Gouveia Monteiro, A Guerra em Portugal na Idade Média, Lisboa, Notícias, 1998.

2. Luís Miguel Duarte, Guerra pela Independência, 1383-1389. Col. “Batalhas da História de Portugal”, Academia Portuguesa da História, vol. 4. Lisboa, Quidnovi, 2006.

3. Mário Barroca, João Gouveia Monteiro e Luís Miguel Duarte (autores) e José Mattoso (Coord. de), Nova História Militar de Portugal, Vol. I, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2003.

4. Miguel Gomes Martins, Para Bellum. Organização e Prática da Guerra em Portugal durante a Idade Média (1245-1367), Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 2007 (Dissertação de Doutoramento, policopiada), Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, no prelo.

5. Miguel Gomes Martins, De Ourique a Aljubarrota. A Guerra na Idade Média, Lisboa, Esfera dos Livros, 2011