German Language and Culture III

Academic year
Subject Area
Foreign Languages and Literatures
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
Non Degree Course

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Continuous assessment includes the following criteria:
- Oral participation in the classes
- Homework
- Small assessment tests
The written final exam has a 90 minutes duration, and it is held in the last block of classes.  It will include reading, listening, writing and grammar exercises.

The courses assessment is guided by a set of rules, available in

Learning Outcomes

German Language and Culture III aims to teach the German language in its written and spoken form, both reception and production. The course objectives are oriented by level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) and will only be completed at the end of Level IV (2nd semester) of German Language and Culture

At the end of level A2, students will have acquired the following language skills:

  • Students will be able Students will be able to understand and use expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (personal and family information, shopping, local geography and  employment), will be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks which may require a simple and direct information sharing, such as subjects of their knowledge.
  • Students will be able to describe simple aspects of their past, the immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate needs.

Work Placement(s)



Thematic areas:

Celebrations and traditions (Christmas, gifts, invitations);  Moving house (renting and equipment); Cologne (monuments, studying abroad, dialects, sharing apartments), Health (illness, pain, a visit to the doctor's office, the human body), Banks and public offices.

Grammatical items:

Personal pronouns, Complements with definite articles, indefinite, possessive and without the article, Complements position, Adjectives without the article, Possessive pronouns, Prepositions (Wechselpräpositionen), subordinate sentences with weil and dass, Reflexive Pronouns,  Adjectives after definite articles, indefinite, possessive and without the article, Subordinate sentences with conditional wenn, als, The Präteritum tense of regular irregular, mixed and modal verbs, Verbs with dative complements in the Sentences with subordinate temporal seit (dem) und bis, - Modal verbs (meaning) Brauchen ... nicht / kein ... zu + infinitive,  Connection adverbs: Darum, deshalb, deswegen, daher.

Head Lecturer(s)

Andreas Anthony Isenberg

Assessment Methods

Written final exam: 50.0%
Continuous assessment: 50.0%


Manual DaF kompakt A2