Introduction to Programming in Java
Information and Communication Technologies
Non Degree Course
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
In the first 15 weeks, this course unit is structured in 8 hours of lectures per week; the remaining are labs. In the last 5 weeks, the course unit takes 16 hours of labs per week to promote autonomous study with coaching. All classes are accompanied by a teacher. The programming concepts are introduced and put in practice during
lectures. Particular programming problems are solved during labs.
Learning Outcomes
To acquire strong knowledge on principles of imperative and object oriented programming with Java. General skills that will be adquired at the end of the course are: analysis and synthesis ability; organization and planning skills; problem solving and teamwork skills; autonomous learning; adapt to new situations; creativity; focus on quality and sustainable development.
Work Placement(s)
• Computer architecture, data types, operations
• Conditional and selection structures
• Iterative structures
• Functions
• Object oriented programming, modelling
• Classes, variables, methods, encapsulation
• Inheritance
• Polimorphism, abstract classes and interfaces
• Java containers
• Object oriented analysis
• Unified Modeling Language
Head Lecturer(s)
Maria José Patrício Marcelino
Assessment Methods
Continuous evaluation (50%) and exam (50%). In case of a negative grade in the exam (< 9.5), the student is allowed to perform a second exam that will replace the grade obtained in the first exam. Continuous evaluation aims to stimulate students’ participation in class activities and assess evolution during the course. The exam is a final and individual assessment moment: 100.0%
A. J. Mendes, M. J. Marcelino, Fundamentos de Programação em Java, FCA, 2012
D. J. Eck, Introduction to Programming Using Java, 2011 (available online:
B. Eckel, Thinking in Java, Prentice Hall, 2006 (available on-line:
J. Bloch, Effective Java: Programming Language Guide, Addison-Wesley, 2008