Recent Morphodynamics

Academic year
Subject Area
Physical Geography
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Dynamic Geomorphology, Physical Geography of Portugal.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical-practical classes, with presentation and group discussion of the topics covered. At least one field trip for observation in situ of some of the discussed topics. At the end of the semester the teacher will apply a questionnaire to understand the main problems encountered (topics, methods, satisfaction, etc.).
Continuous evaluation includes student participation in class and field work, presentations on practical projects and discussion at the end of the semester.

Learning Outcomes

The study of recent morphodynamics, beyond the theoretical interest it has for understanding the past and future dynamics of the surface relief of the earth, is a key element in the study of many aspects of physical geography applied to territorial planning, particularly with regard to the assessment and management of natural resources, natural hazards and environmental impacts.
The general objectives to be achieved by students will be identifying and understanding the workings of the main current geomorphological processes (fluvial, marine, mass movement, etc.) in order to incorporate them into territorial planning and management.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction. Lithology, structure, climate, vegetation and human being in morphogenesis.
2. Processes of mechanical, chemical and biological weathering. Types of regolith.
3. Process of mass movement in slopes: mechanisms and types
4. Surface formations: genetic constraints and main types.
5. Recent and subrecent morphodynamics: resources, impacts and geomorphological hazards.
6. Karst dynamics: case studies.
7. Fluvial dynamics: case studies.
8. Glacial dynamics: case studies.
9. Recent morphodynamics and territorial planning.
- Cartography and natural resource management
- Cartography and environmental impact assessment
- Cartography and natural hazard management
10. Global transformations and recent morphodynamics.

Head Lecturer(s)

Lúcio José Sobral da Cunha

Assessment Methods

In accordance with the Rules of Assessement of the Faculty of Arts for Master’s programs (Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos do 2º ciclo): 100.0%


ALLISON, R. J. (2002), Applied Geomorphology. Wiley, Chichester.
CAMPY, M. & MACAIRE, J. J. (1989), Geologie des formations superficielles. Masson, Paris, 433p.
ELORZA, M.G. (2001), Geomorfología Climática. Ed. Omega. 642 p.
GILSANZ, J.P. (1996), Geomorfología – principios, métodos y aplicaciones. Ed. Rueda, Madrid, 414 p.
GUERRA, A. e MARÇAL, M. (2006), Geomorfologia ambiental. Ed. Bertrand Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
HUGGETT, R.J. (2003), Fundamentals of Geomorphology. Routledge, London, 386 p.
MARTÍNEZ, J. M. (1999), Geomorfología Ambiental. Las Palmas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones.
PANIZZA, M. (2005), Manuele di geomorfologia applicata. FracoAngeli, Milão.
SLAYMAKER, O. e SPENCER, T. (1998), Physical Geography and Global Environmental Change.
Adisson Wesley Longman, Harlow.
A bibliografia específica será indicada de acordo com os temas a desenvolver pelos alunos.