Materials Selection and Processing
Materials Science and Engineering
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado
Recommended Prerequisites
Not applicable.
Teaching Methods
In a first part of the course the procedure to performing the materials selection is presented. In this phase, theoretical courses are complemented with theoretical-practical classes where specific examples of each step of selection procedure are taught to the students. The students are also invited to develop the resolution of the practical problems which are briefly solved in the text book. In a second phase, a case-study is distributed to the students. Its development will end with a final report and an oral defense in front of an evaluation committee,
Learning Outcomes
The objectives of the Materials and Fabrication Processes Selection course can be summarized by the learning of a methodology to proceed, in a systematic way, to progressively reduce the endless number of materials available in the market. By consecutive steps, materials groups with sizes successively smaller are achieved until reaching a final detailed analysis which will allow an optimized selection of the best option. The competences supplied to the students should also reinforce the knowledge already acquired previously in Materials Science and Engineering, particularly concerning its application in the industrial environment and its application in useful life, in order to understand the close relationship existing between the material and the technology used for processing the final product.
Work Placement(s)
1. Introduction and objectives
2. Interaction between mechanical design and materials selection – equivalence between dimension of materials groups and detail level of mechanical analysis
3. Analysis of materials classes and properties – graphics and tables properties
4. Importance of the part or component on the materials selection – performance index
5. Relationship between material / function / shape (shape factor)
6. Materials and fabrication technologies – forming and assembling.
7. Cost as main factor determining the materials selection
8. Selection matrixes
9. Cases study.
Head Lecturer(s)
Albano Augusto Cavaleiro Rodrigues de Carvalho
Assessment Methods
Defense - 60%, Resolution of practical issues + examen - 40%: 100.0%
M.F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.
N.A.Waterman e F. Sabih, Materials Selector - Vol. I II e III, Elsevier, 1991.