Theory and Methods applied to Information Science

Academic year
Subject Area
Other Areas of Knowledge
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Teaching methodology:

- Lectures and practical classes supported by multimedia resources and bibliographic resources;

- Independent reading and summary of reference texts;

- Individual and/or group practical tasks;

- Seminars


The teaching-learning process is supported by an e-learning platform.


According to the Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos da FLUC (, it is applied the system of continuous assessment.


Evaluation methodology:

- Preparation and delivery of a pre project research (60%);

- Attendance, participation in classes and performance of the proposed tasks (20%);

- Seminar report (20%).

Learning Outcomes

Goals: 1) introduce a set of theories and research methods applicable to the Information Science, highlighting new and old paradigms and models, enabling the students to handle them and apply them in a real research context; 2) introduce quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data, enabling students, firstly, to know and deal with them, in a theoretical way, and, secondly, to applying them, in a consistently way, in a specific research project context; 3) introduce basic and specific knowledge related to the relevant aspects of the work research structure, providing students the means required to design and develop their own dissertation project.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to acquire the following competencies described in the Euro-Referencial ID document: identification and validation of information sources (I05), information seeking (I07), written communication (C02); complementary knowledge (S01).

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to a general methodology of science. Propaedeutics. The method of deduction. The method of induction in physical sciences and social sciences. Phenomenology and hermeneutics. Nomological and ideographical sciences. The social sciences in the post-modern era.


2. Relevant methods and techniques in Information Science research

I Quantitative Methods: 1. Usefulness of Statistics in research 2. Types of investigations and types of Statistics 3. 4 types of measurement. Presentation and interpretation of results; II. Qualitative methods: 1. Methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data: the context of application, advantages and disadvantages. 2. Design, modeling and testing of research instruments. 3. Validation of qualitative research


3. Organization and structure of a research work

The research work formulation: phases and procedures; theoretical assumptions; bibliographical research; readings; the hypothesis and thesis plan; work structure.

Head Lecturer(s)

Hans-Richard Jahnke

Assessment Methods

Report of a seminar or field trip: 20.0%
Attendance, participation in classes and performance of the proposed tasks : 20.0%
Preparation and delivery of a pre project research : 60.0%


ALBARELLO, Luc. [et al] (2005) – Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais. 2ª ed. Lisboa : Gradiva.

BELL, Judith (2008) – Como realizar um projeto de investigação: um guia para a pesquisa em Ciências Sociais e da Educação. Lisboa : Gradiva.

BERNARD, Russell (2012) – Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative qpproaches. 2nd ed. California : Sage.

COSTA, A. Amorim da (1986) – Introdução à História e Filosofia das Ciências. Men Martins : Publicações

GHIGLIONE, Rodolphe; MATALON, Benjamin (1992) - O inquérito: teoria e prática. Oeiras : Celta.

HILL, M. Magalhães; HILL, A. B. Hill (1992) – Investigação por questionário. Lisboa : Silabo.

NAZARÉ, J. Manuel (1981) – Introdução aos métodos quantitativos em ciências sociais : manual de ensino. Lisboa : Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

POPPER, Karl (1978) – Lógica das ciências sociais. Rio de Janeiro : Tempo Brasileiro.

RAMOS, Madalena (2001) – Métodos quantitativos para as Ciências Sociais. Lisboa : Silabo.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa (1990) – Introdução a uma ciência pós-moderna. Porto : Afrontamento.

SILVA, A. Santos; PINTO, J. Madureira (1986) – Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto : Afrontamento.