Themes of Interpersonal Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of Developmental Psychology.

Teaching Methods

- Expositive / argumentative method, with support of projection of visual material;

- Recourse to filmed documents;

- Group work with oral presentation;

- Research/field work

- Discussion of cases;

- Role-play;

- Interpersonal exercises.

Learning Outcomes

Considering the main objectives, it is intended that, after completing the course, the student will be able:

- To analyze and characterize the interpersonal development as a specific aspect of psychological development;

- To identify and characterize factors and principles that can affect interpersonal relationships;

- To recognize the importance and influence of interpersonal relationships on the development of individuals;

- To identify the cognitive structure and the levels of interpersonal development according to the structuralist conceptual model about understanding the interpersonal reality;

- To understand pro-social behaviour and to analyze the effects of asymmetry and reciprocity in interpersonal relationships;

- To relate interpersonal development to the several dimensions of psychological development.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction–Defining the object of study.Interpersonal develop. as a specific aspect of psychological development

I–Interpersonal relationships

1.Factors that affect the quality of interpersonal relationships

2.Interpersonal relationships and interpretation of general principles of behaviour

3.Social technologies and interpersonal relationships:The internet paradox

4.Sullivan’s theory

II–Sociocognitive develop.

1.Develop. of interpersonal understanding:Social Perspective Taking (Selman)

2.Develop. of the organization to interpersonal action:Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies (Selman)

III–Develop. of social competencies and social norms:Pro-social behaviors

IV–Asymmetry and reciprocity in interpersonal relationships

1.Adult-child relationships

2.The evolution of interaction between partners

3.Interpersonal conflicts

4.Interpersonal relationships, romantic rel. and health

Conclusion–The relationship between interpersonal develop. and the different dimensions of psychological develop.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria da Luz Bernardes Rodrigues Vale Dias

Assessment Methods

Laboratory work or Field work: 10.0%
Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 60.0%


Berscheid,E & Regan,P (2016).The psychology of interpersonal relationships.Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge.

Chen, X, French, C. & Schneider, BH (Eds)(2006).Peer Relationships in Cultural Context.NY:Cambridge Univ.Press.

Fachada, MO (2012). Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais,Vol.1(2ªed.).Lisboa:Silabo.

Pietromonaco, P. & Collins, N. (2017). Interpersonal Mechanisms Linking Close Relationships to Health. American Psychologist, 72(6), 531–542.

Taborda Simões M, Vale Dias M & Formosinho M (2006).Estratégias de resolução de conflitos interpessoais:alguns dados empíricos. In MC Taborda Simões, T Machado, ML Vale Dias & L Nobre Lima (Eds.).Psicol. do Desenvolv.:Temas de investigação (77-93).Coimbra:Almedina.

White A, Weinstein E, & Selman R (2016).Adolescent friendship challenges in a digital context:Are new technologies game changers,amplifiers,or just a new medium?Convergence:The Intern. J. of Research into New Media Technologies, Nov,1–20.