Themes of Interpersonal Development

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of Developmental Psychology

Teaching Methods

- Expositive / argumentative method, with support of projection of visual material;

- Recourse to filmed documents;

- Group work with oral presentation;

- Research/field work

- Discussion of cases;

- Role-play;

- Interpersonal exercises.

Learning Outcomes

- To analyze and characterize the interpersonal development as a specific aspect of psychological development;

- To identify and characterize factors and principles that can affect interpersonal relationships;

- To recognize the importance and influence of interpersonal relationships on the development of individuals;

- To identify the cognitive structure and the levels of interpersonal development according to the structuralist conceptual model about understanding the interpersonal reality;

- To understand pro-social behaviour and to analyze the effects of asymmetry and reciprocity in interpersonal relationships;

- To relate interpersonal development to the several dimensions of psychological development.

Work Placement(s)



Introduction – Defining the object of study. Interpersonal development as a specific aspect of psychological development.

 I – Interpersonal relationships

1. Factors that affect the quality of interpersonal relationships

2. Interpersonal relationships and interpretation of general principles of behaviour

3. Social technologies and interpersonal relationships: The internet paradox

4. Sullivan’s theory

 II – Sociocognitive development

1. Development of interpersonal understanding: Social Perspective Taking (Selman)

2. Development of the organization to interpersonal action: Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies (Selman)

 III – Development of social competencies and social norms: Pro-social behaviors

 IV – Asymmetry and reciprocity in interpersonal relationships

1. Adult-child relationships

2. The evolution of interaction between partners

3. Interpersonal conflicts

Conclusion – The relationship between interpersonal development and the different dimensions of psychological development

Assessment Methods

Research work: 10.0%
Resolution Problems: 30.0%
Synthesis work: 60.0%


Berscheid,E & Regan,P (2016).The psychology of interpersonal relationships.Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge

Chen, X, French, C. & Schneider, BH (Eds)(2006).Peer Relationships in Cultural Context.NY:Cambridge Univ.Press

Fachada, MO (2012). Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais,Vol.1(2ªed.).Lisboa:Silabo.

Martin J, Sokol B & Elfers T (2008).Taking and Coordinating Perspectives:From Prereflective Interactivity,through Reflective Intersubjectivity,to Metareflective Sociality.Human Development,51,294-317

Taborda Simões M, Vale Dias M & Formosinho M (2006).Estratégias de resolução de conflitos interpessoais:alguns dados empíricos. In MC Taborda Simões, T Machado, ML Vale Dias & L Nobre Lima (Eds.).Psicol. do Desenvolv.:Temas de investigação (77-93).Coimbra:Almedina

White A, Weinstein E, & Selman R (2016).Adolescent friendship challenges in a digital context:Are new technologies game changers,amplifiers,or just a new medium?Convergence:The Intern. J. of Research into New Media Technologies, Nov,1–20