Transportation Law

Academic year
Subject Area
Corporate Legal
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites


Teaching Methods

Teachers will give oral classes about the subjects. Students will be invited to discuss the subject. Students must prepare in advance short speeches about one particular theme. The teacher will previously give the students court decisions, foreign and Portuguese laws and some problems to be studied

Learning Outcomes


a) Analysis of Transport Law problems that where not studied during 1st. Cycle;

b) Make the Transport Law and Transport Essential Facilities Law easy to understand;

c) Analysis of usual and unusual cases;


Skills to achieve:

a) Knowledge about up-to-date Transport Law problems (lost luggages, carriage of goods by sea, charter flights, overbooking, airport regulation, urban transport regulation, sea highways), allowing students to solve real life cases;

b) Wide vision about subjects that will allow students to prepare a Master Thesis concerning matters which are not often studied or not studied at all,

c) stimulating rigorous investigation and analysis;

d) Critical view about how Portuguese Transport Law and Transport Essential Facilities Law deals with some problems, suggesting alternative ways

Work Placement(s)





Transports organization principles and transport essential facilities law

Chapter I

Transports organization

The strategic plan for transport

The organization of road transport for passengers and goods at international, european and national levels

The organization of railway transport for passengers and goods at european and national levels

The organization of air transport

The organization of shipping

Chapter II

Administrative organization of urban transport

The convergence of transport policy, energy policy, economic policy and environmental policy

Urban transport regulation

The importance of metropolitan areas and transport planning

The financing of urban transport and the fundamental right to mobility as a social right

Chapter III

Transport infrastructure management

The legal infrastructure of transport

Airports operation

Ports management

The management of railway infrastructure

Funding and maintenance of the highway



Chapter I

Transport contract

Transport contract

The Law

Classes of transports

Connected contracts

Rules of conflicts

Dispute resolution

Chapter II

Transport by land



By road

By Railroad


Carriage of goods

By road (internal)

By road (international)

By railroad

Chapter III

Maritime transport

C) Passengers

International Conventions

Portuguese Laws


D) Carriage of goods

The contract


Related contracts

The Ship

Chapter IV

Air Transport



Portuguese Law

European Union Law

International Conventions



General view


Regulation n.º 199/2002


Charter Flights


Organized trips




Lost and damaged goods

Assessment Methods

Oral presentation of a written work each semester. That presentation will take place in one of the last classes (the subject will be chosen after talking with the teacher): 100.0%


Almeida, Ferreira, O contrato de transporte no Código Civil, RT, 87, p. 147

Bastos, Nuno M. Castello-Branco, Direito dos Transportes, Almedina, Coimbra, 2004

Bastos, Nuno M. Castello-Branco, Da disciplina do contrato de transporte internacional de mercadorias por mar, Coimbra, 2004

Carlos, Adelino da Palma, O contrato de transporte marítimo, Novas perspectivas do direito comercial, Coimbra, 1988

Coelho, Pinto, A responsabilidade civil do transportador nos transportes aéreos e a validade das cláusulas de irresponsabilidade por acidentes ocorridos às pessoas, BFDUC, X, 1926-28, p. 554 e ss.

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Costa, Almeida/Mendes, Evaristo, Transporte marítimo. Conhecimento de carga, Direito e Justiça, IX, t. I, 1995

Gomes, Manuel Januário da Costa, Leis marítimas, Almedina, 2004

Gomes, Manuel Januário da Costa, O ensino do direito marítimo, Almedina, Coimbra, 2005

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Martins, Margarida Salema D’Oliveira, Os contentores marítimos: alguns aspectos da sua regulação jurídico-internacional, Estudos Homenagem Prof. Doutor Armando M.

Marques Guedes, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, p. 679-689

Monteiro, Pinto, Anotação ao Ac. STJ de 9 de Novembro de 1999, RLJ, 133, 124-141 e ss.

Pinto, Mota, Acerca da distinção, em direito marítimo, entre salvação e assistência de navios e recolha de achados, RDES, 1968, p. 213-232

Pinto, Mota, Cláusula «Fob and Stowed», CJ, VII, 1982, t. 4, p. 5-11

Proença, Alfredo, Transporte de mercadorias por estrada, Coimbra, 1998

Raposo, Mário, Estudos sobre o novo direito marítimo, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 1999

Raposo, Mário, Transporte e fretamento, BMJ, 340, 1989

Raposo, Mário, Sobre o contrato de transporte de mercadorias por mar, BMJ, 376, 1988

Raposo, Mário, Temas de direito marítimo, ROA, Jan. 1997

Raposo, Mário, Estudos sobre o novo direito marítimo, Coimbra, 1999

Rocha, Francisco Costeira da, O contrato de transporte de mercadorias. Contributo para o estudo da posição jurídica do destinatário no contrato de transporte de mercadorias, Almedina, Coimbra 2000

Silva, Calvão, Crédito documentário e conhecimento de embarque, CJ, 1994, I

Silva, Calvão, Venda CIF: carta-partida, conhecimento de embarque e seguro de carga, RLJ, 133, p. 202 e ss.

Tavares da Silva, Suzana, «Direito administrativo dos transportes», Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial, Vol. V, Almedina, Coimbra, 2011, pp. 425-538

Obras estrangeiras de referência:

Basedow, Jürgen (org.), Münchener Kommentar zum HGB, Transportrecht, 1997, actualizado em 2000.

Canaris, Claus Wilhelm, Handelsrecht, 24. Auf., 2006

Fortes Martín, Antonio, La ordenación y el control administrativo del tráfico aéreo, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2012

Herber, Rolf/Piper, Henning, CMR/Internationales Strassentraportrecht/Kommentar, 1996

Inderwildi, Oliver / King, David, Energy, Transport, & the Environment: Addressing the Sustainable mobility paradigm, Springer, 2012

Koller, Ingo, Transportrecht/Kommentar, 5.ª ed, 2004

Mercadal, Barthélémy, Droit des transports terrestres et aériens, 1996