Educational Psychology

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

It will be convenient for the student to have successfully completed all the units of the first and second years of the first phase of the study cycle - Integrated Master in Psychology, specifically, the units concerning the basic processes. It will be important for the student to have acquired knowledge in the Psychology units of development, learning, memory, emotions, reasoning and language. It is also convenient to master, in terms of reading and comprehension, the English language and the Spanish language, in addition to Portuguese.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition with audiovisual resources, research, consultation of documents and interviews with specialists, visits and confrontation with ongoing projects or experiences, debate, cooperative learning. Students are invited to participate in scientific activities related to the promotion of education and development, responding to empirical needs or integrating work in progress.

Learning Outcomes

Students are expected to grasp the potentialities and potentialities of this scientific area, that is, to know what the object of study, what models are associated with it, the research and application themes or intervention, as well as the contexts and resources of professional psychologists of education. Objective will also be for students to be able to distinguish this area from others that are very close to or included in it (School Psychology and Instructional Psychology).

The specific objectives and competences to be acquired are: to delimit the professional dimension of the Educational Psychologist; to discuss the instrumentality of the contents conveyed in the praxis of the educational psychologist; to equate the role (s) of the Educational Psychologist in the various educational contexts; to develop observation, research and intervention capacities in the field of Educational Psychology.

Work Placement(s)



Block 1: Epistemological framework of Educational Psychology

1. Educational Psychology Conceptualization

2. Scientific area of Educational Psychology

3. Fundamental and applied dimensions of Educational Psychology

4. Contexts and scopes of analysis / intervention of the educational psychologist [formal, non-formal and informal contexts]

5. Competencies / profile of the educational psychologist (functional analysis of intervention, in different contexts);

6. themes, paradigms and research methodologies;

7. themes, paradigms and methodologies (models) of intervention

Block 2: Educational Psychology and Instructional / School Psychology

1. conceptual delimitation

2. intervention: tas

Block 3: Teaching-learning process

Block 4: Observation of educational situations

Block 5: Educational interaction and school learning

Block 6: Planning for psychoeducational intervention and vocational training

1. components

2. preparation of plans / programs / projects (for applications, intervention, ...)

Assessment Methods

1. written test for assessment of knowledge: 50% of final grade 2. Reporting of observation activities guided (eg visit to an institution, participation in an ongoing project, report of experience), individual and in written form: 50% Appeal: Written test, all the material: 100.0%


Coll, C. (1995). Psicología y educación: Aproximacion a los objetivos y contenidos de la psicologia de la educación. In C. Coll, J. Palacios, & A. Marchesi (Eds.), Desarrollo psicológico y educación: II. Psicologia de la Educación (pp. 15-30). Madrid: Alianza.

Coll, C., et al. (1999). Psicologia da Educação. Porto Alegre: ARTMED.

Figueira, A. P. (2016). Ser Psicólogo. À Descoberta das Profissões. Lisboa, Psiclínica.

Figueira, A. P. (2013). Sou, quero ser, professor …. Tradicional, comportamentalista ou construtivista? - Manual de autoformação de professores. Guia de autoconhecimento. Germany: Novas edições académicas.

Figueira, A. P. C. (2013). Psicologia da Educação. Manual de ensino, aprendizagem e de formação. Germany: Novas edições académicas. (contem referências importantes para a unidade).

Santrock, J. W. (2002). Psicología de la Educación. Ed: Mc Graw Hill.

Santrock, J. W. (2004). Educational Psychology. Classroom update. Preparing for Praxis and Practice. Boston: McGraw