Sociology of Power and Administration

Academic year
Subject Area
Área Científica do Menor
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Knowledge and interest in Political Sociology.

Teaching Methods

Seminar with the presentation and commentary by the students of texts, as well of a press observatory, including discussion between them and the teacher.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

To present the theoretical framework of sociological analysis about (both Central and Local) Power and Administration.

Specific objectives

To identify, understand and systematize the political and administrative action.

Generic competencies

Generation of analysis and (oral and written) communication.

Specific competencies

Development of cognitive and methodological capacities.

Work Placement(s)



Power and political phenomenon. The exercise of political power. Concentration and decentralization of political power.

Central and Local Governments: central, local and European labirinths; networks and power; markets, hierarchies, communities and networks regulations. Central and local government theories. Local governments structural frame of operating. State and relational power. Governments and informal networks. Consequencies for the portuguese political system and its several levels of government.

Head Lecturer(s)

Fernando Alberto Baetas Oliveira Ruivo

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
Group and individual assignments, participation in class : 50.0%
final exam : 50.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


A participação e os debates são centrais para uma melhor compreensão da complexidade dos sistemas de poder político.
Participation and debates are central to a better understanding of the complexity of the political power systems.
AGNEW, John A.-Place and politics : the geographical mediation of state and society. Boston : Allen & Unwin, 1987. [BP 316.334.3 AGN]

FERNANDES, António Teixeira - Os fenómenos políticos : sociologia do poder. Porto : Edições Afrontamento, 1998. [BP 316.334.3 FER]
RUIVO, Fernando- O acesso dos imigrantes aos espaços políticos locais. Coimbra : Edições Almedina, 2013. [NO PRELO]
RUIVO, Fernando- O Estado labiríntico : o poder relacional nas relações entre poderes local e central em Portugal. Porto : Edições Afrontamento, 2000. [BP 316.334.3 RUI]
RUIVO, Fernando- O poder local português e a construção europeia : : o Estado labiríntico revisitado. Coimbra : Edições Almedina : CES, 2011. [BP 35 RUI]
RUIVO, Fernando- Poder local e exclusão social. 2ª ed.. Coimbra : Quarteto Editora. 2002. [BP 304 RUI]