Sociology of Culture and Communication

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Principles of Sociology; Classic Sociological Thought; Sociological Theories.

Teaching Methods

The classes are theoretical-practical and composed of an expositive part followed by a discussion with students. Specially valuated is the application of the learned concepts to contemporary issues and debates and to ongoing research projects. In classes where the mandatory texts are presented, the teacher begins to make an introductory synthesis of those texts followed by the student’s presentation and collective discussion. The main objective is to develop student’s autonomous interpretation capabilities and the contextualization of the texts in their epochal production conditions.

Learning Outcomes

Overall objectives

Introducing students to the main themes, theories and methodological approaches in sociology of culture and sociology of communication, as well as to the relationship between these two fields and the broader domains of the cultural and communication studies.

Specific objectives

Appling the above frameworks to the analysis of the Portuguese context.

Generic Competencies

Managing theoretical knowledge in this area.

Operative skills on the sociological analysis of institutions, social actors, practices and objects in the cultural and communication universes.

Critical capabilities regarding the cultural phenomena and the information.

Specific Competencies

Analysis and interpretation of sociological texts.

Skills of oral presentation of texts or topics;

Research skills concerning data and literature related to the course topics;

Skills to produce written assignments articulating the theoretical apparatus the analysis of empirical literature.

Work Placement(s)



1. Culture as an object of Sociology

1.1. The concept of culture – from de anthropological perspective to the sociological conceptualization;

1.2. Sociology and culture – the main problematics and theoretical positions

2. Communication as public knowledge

2.1 History of the media.

2.2 Theories on the relationship between media and society.

3. The culture and communication spheres in Portugal:

3.1. Institutions, cultural buildings and activities: from the 19th century to the present

3.2. Media in Portugal.

3.2. Cultural and communication public policies: from Estado Novo to the democratic Portugal.

3.3. Cultural production and consumption indicators.

3.4. The field of social communication in Portugal: audiences and publics.

Head Lecturer(s)

Maria Paula Abreu Pereira da Silva

Assessment Methods

Continuous Assessment
the writing of an essay (outside the classes) and an oral presentation (inside the classes) - 50%, and of an exam – 50%, with a demand of a 50% presence in the classes: 100.0%

Final Assessment
Exam: 100.0%


ADORNO, Theodor W. - Sobre a indústria da cultura. Coimbra : Angelus Novus, 2003. [BP 316.7 ADO]

BALNAVES, Mark ; DONALD, Stephanie ; SHOESMITH, Brian - Media theories and approaches : a global perspective. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

BECKER, Howard - Art worlds. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1984. [BP 316.7 BEC]

BOURDIEU, Pierre - As regras da arte : génese e estrutura do campo literário. Lisboa : Editorial Presença, 1996. [BP 316.7 BOU]

HESMONDHALGH, David – The cultural industries. London : Sage Publications, 2002. [BP 316.7 HES]

McQUAIL, Denis - Teoria da comunicação de massas. Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003. [BP 316.7 MCQ]

WOLF, Mauro — Teorias da comunicação. 6ª ed. Lisboa : Editorial Presença, 2001. [BP 316.7 WOL]