Rehabilitation and maintenance of building - B

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

The pre-requisites of this course are those corresponding to the application for the MSc course CMM.

Teaching Methods

Lectures (30 hours) with detailed exposition, using visual aids, concepts, principles and theories and to solve some practical exercises that meet all the needs of students with guidelines on the matter. Tutorial lessons (22.5 hours) to answer questions.

Learning Outcomes

The aim of this course is to provide students with the theoretical basis for the Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Building in composite steel and concrete structures in fire.

Acquiring capabilities in synthesis and analysis, oral and written communication, problems solving, critic reflection, autonomous learning, practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Work Placement(s)



Need for rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings. Life. Pathologies. Maintenance of buildings. The building as a cultural value. Rehabilitation and expansion of buildings. Intervention in the built and classified heritage. Structural rehabilitation under the point of view of architecture.

Analysis: Climate Analysis; Analysis of comfort; Functional Analysis; Models of thermal comfort; Functional requirements.

Project: Initial design options; The interior; Design.

Anomalies of steel structures: Degradation of material properties; Mechanical actions; Defects; Damage induced by facilities.

Technical inspection: Routine inspections; Inspections main; Special Inspections.

Methods of diagnosis: Non-destructive testing.

Maintenance actions: Anti-corrosive Coatings.

Structural reinforcement:Rehabilitate and strengthen structures; Alternative reinforcement; Replacement or addition of structural elements; Pre-stress outside; Composite materials; cold-form elements.

Assessment Methods

Method B
Written work with oral presentation: 100.0%

Method A
Exam: 100.0%

Method C
Written work with oral presentation: 50.0%
Written examination: 50.0%


Cesare Brandi – Teoria do Restauro, Edições Orion, 2006.

Flávio Lopes e Miguel Brito Correia – Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico. Cartas, recomendações e convenções internacionais. Livros Horizonte, 2004.

Francisco de Gracia – Construir en lo construído, Nerea, 2001.

James Strike – De la Construcción a los Proyectos, Editorial Reverté, 2004.

João Appleton  – Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos, Orion, 2003.

Jukka Jokilehto – A History of Architectural Conservation, Elsevier, 1999.

Pierre Engel – Guide de la réhabilitation avec l’acier à l’usage des architectes et des ingénieurs, ArcelorMittal, 2010.

Rafael  Moneo – Costruire nel costruito, Umberto Allemandi, 2007.

Vitor Cóias – Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios Antigos, Argumentum, 2007.