Optional Sport II – Skating/Roller Hokey

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Practical studies I - Skating.

Teaching Methods

The format of  Theoretical lesson  has a session with a presentation made by the teaching of subjects in literature or flagged in texts produced by the teacher;

Practical classes take place in Pav. III;

Students are invited to witness the sports club in the region.

Learning Outcomes

[1] Identify the roller hockey in the context of collectives spots ; [2] – Process the formation the young hockey player; [3] Prepare the annual and pluri-annual planning for training and the formation and competition; [4] Understanding the process of training the formation and competition.; [5] Methodological principles for the implementation of the exercise; [6] Organize and plan training teams of competition and formation; [7] To understand the requirements and implications the process formation and competition;[8] Application of game models for training and competition teams; [9] Observe and learn the instruments of analysis; [10] Apply the parameters of evaluation and monitoring of training and competition


Personal skills: [a] Ability of analysis and synthesis; [b] Information handling skills (ability to collect, retrieve and analyze information from different sources); [c] Ability to solve problems. Interpersonal skills: [a] Ability to lead working groups; (b) Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams; (c) Ability to work in an international context; (d) Ability to act ethically in dilemmatic situations. Systemic skills: [a] Ability of self-learning; [b] Ability to apply knowledge in practice; (c) Adaptability to new situations; (d) Concern with the quality

Work Placement(s)



[1] – Organization of the sport; [2] – The development of the young player; [3] – The learning process with the application of teaching unit of roller hockey; [4] – Planning na annual team competition and training team; [5] – Training process; [6] – Performance factors; [7] – Model game of formation and competition teams; [8] – Systems and observation practices and games; [9] – Parameters for evaluation and control of the training and game; [10] – Research in roller hockey.

Head Lecturer(s)

Vasco Parreiral Simões Vaz

Assessment Methods

Research Work: 20.0%
File and final report (CD presentation): 40.0%
Technical Educational Intervention: 40.0%


Ares, P. (2005). Hockey sobre patines: Estudio de las demandas fisiologicas en competición, análisis del perfil fisiológico funcional, desarrollo y validación de un modelo de valoración funcional específica orientado al jugador de campo. Dissertação de Doutoramento. España: Oviedo.

Blanco, A., Enseñat, A. (2002). Hockey sobre patines: Cargas de competición. Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo. Vol. 2: 21-26.

Blanco, A., Enseñat, A., Balagué, N. (1993). Hockey sobre Patines: Análisis de la Actividad Competitiva. Revista Entrenamiento Deportivo. Vol. 7 (3): 9-17.

Blanco, A., Enseñat, A., Balagué, N. (1994). Hockey sobre Patines: Niveles de Frecuencia Cardiaca y Lactacidemia en Competición y Entrenamiento. Apunts: Educación Física y Deportes. Vol. 36: 26-36.

Blanco, A., Ensenat, A. (1998). Valoración directa de la potencia aeróbia maxima en hockey sobre patines. Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo; XII(4): 29-33

Elferink-Gemser, M., Visscher, C., Lemmink, K., Mulder, T. (2004a). Relation between multidimensional performance characteristics and level of performance in talented youth field hockey players. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol. 22: 1053-1063.

Garganta, J. (2007). Modelação táctica em jogos desportivos – A desejável cumplicidae entre pesquisa, treino e competição. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 7 (supl.1):9-17

Gayo, A. (1999). El hockey sobre patines como deportes de equipo – Análisis y optimización de los sistemas de juego a través de indicadores tácticos. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de La Coruña

Porta, J., Mori, I. (1987). Hockey total. Oviedo, Ayuntamiento de Oviedo, Gráficas EUJOA, S.A;

Manaças, J. (1988). Caracterização dos esforços no Hóquei em Patins. Revista Treino Desportivo, II (9) : (43-19).

Mendo, A., Argilaga, M. (2000). Estrutura condutal en deportes sociomotores: Hockey sobre Patines. Revista Digital de Educación Física Deportes, (21).

Rodriguez, F., Martín, R., Hernández, J. (1991). Prueba máxima progressiva en pista para valoracion de la condición aeróbia en hockey sobre patines. Apuntus: Educacion Física y Deportes; 23: 63-70

Vaz V (2011). Especialização desportiva em jovens hoquistas masculinos. Estudo do jovem atleta, do processo de selecção e da estrutura de rendimento. Tese de doutoramento. Universidade de Coimbra