Option Sport I - Recreation

Academic year
Subject Area
Sport Sciences
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
1st Cycle Studies

Recommended Prerequisites

Being an optional, whole discipline the disciplines of the area of the Social and Human Sciences will be decisive for a better development of the student.

Teaching Methods

a) Theoretical Classes eminently positive;  

b) Theoretical-practice where is permitted the students' interaction with the educational starting from the suitable readings previously; 

c) Elaboration of reading records to accomplish out of the time course; 

d) Independent study; 

e) Attendance.

Learning Outcomes

i. To propitiate the student the knowledge concerning the area of the Recreation, games, toys and game 

ii. To facilitate its performance in several application fields  

iii. Reflection and domain of the inherent concepts to the Recreation  

iv. To propitiate elements of theoretical aspects that allow the development of studies and researches in the field of Recreology.

Work Placement(s)



1 - concepts and approach:  1.1 - recreation ; 1.2 - lazer ; 1.3 - ludic ; 1.4 - game ; 1.5 - toy; 1.6 - game.  2 - classification of the games following different authors.  3 - recreation and games in the human development:  3.1 - in the different age groups ; 3.2 - in the cycles of the life ; 3.3 - for different public-objective.  4 - the game as content in the Physical Education:  4.1 - education through the game; 4.2 - recreation; 4.3 - prevention ; 4.4 - adaptation ; 4.5 - inclusion.  5 - shops lúdic:  5.1 - concept; 5.2 - objectives; 5.3 - in the face of-project.

Head Lecturer(s)

Ana Rosa Fachardo Jaqueira

Assessment Methods

Project: 40.0%
Frequency: 60.0%

Exam: 100.0%


Brinquedoteca: a criança, o adulto e o lúdico. Org. Santa Marli Pires dos Santos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2000.

BROICH, J. Jogos para crianças. 4ª ed. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 1999.

CAILLOIS, R. Os jogos e os homens – A máscara e a vertigem. Lisboa, Edições Cotovia Ltda, 1990.

ELIAS, N., DUNNING, E. A busca da excitação. Trad. Maria Manuela Almeida e Silva. Lisboa: Difel, 1992.

HUIZINGA, J. Homo ludens: o jogo como elemento da cultura. 2ª ed. Trad. João Paulo Monteiro. São Paulo: Perspectiva, s/d.

LAGARDERA / LAVEGA. Introduccion a la Praxiologia Motriz. Madrid. Paidotribo, 2003.

MORENO, G. Recreação com 1000 acessórios. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint, 1998.

ROVIRA, J. M. P., TRILLA, J., La Pedagogía del Ocio. Laertes: Barcelona, 2000.