Exploitation Methods of Georesources

Academic year
Subject Area
Language of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of geoscience.   

Teaching Methods

Classroom teaching with the following components:

Theatrical: using audiovisual means to facilitate the understanding of concepts, models and methodologies. Students will participate in lectures, through its intervention or, occasionally, by presenting subjects within the discipline syllabus.

Practical: application of theoretical knowledge to practical cases, by solving problems. Analisys of Quarry and Mining Projects and other educational materials related to the discipline. Use of laboratory equipment. Tutorial support, problems resolution and field trip to a quarry.

Learning Outcomes

The course aims to:

A. Realize the importance of national legislation on operations in the extractive industry.

B. Acquire knowledge of sustainable systems in mines and quarries, in underground and open pit, taking into account technical constraints, environmental and health and safety at work.

C. Understand the operations of national and international markets of mineral resources, and its importance to economic development.

Skills to developed:

Instrumental: competence in analysis and synthesis, skills to solve problems.

Personal: competence in critical thinking and competence in working in interdisciplinary teams.

Systemic: competence in applying theoretical knowledge in practice, competence in planning and managing, concern for quality, competence in autonomous learning.    

Work Placement(s)



1. Classification of mineral deposits. Mining legislation.

2. The importance of mineral resources in economic development. Valuation of geological resources: prospecting, exploration, reconnaissance, exploitation, improvement and marketing.

3. Quarry Project and Mining Project: Phases of planning and development of a project in mineral industry. The implementation and control of a project. Planning methods and activities schedule.

4. Main operations in geological resources exploitation: Compressed air, drilling, drainage and sewage, explosives (blasting, rock blasting diagrams), loading and removal (dimension fleets of dumpers / loaders and conveyor belts). Technical and cost analysis.

5. Operating methods: underground mining and open pit.

6. Exploration of ornamental stone and industrial rocks.

7. Environmental impact caused by mining, mitigating measures. Health and safety in the mining industry.

Assessment Methods

Synthesis work: 15.0%
Laboratory work or Field work: 15.0%
Exam: 70.0%


Couto, R.T.S. (1984) - Lavra a céu aberto e equipamentos principais. Tese de doutoramento, Universidade do Porto.

Gentry, D. W. e Neil, T. J. (1984)- Mine Investment analysis. Society of Mining Engineers, New York

Jimeno, C.L., Jimeno, E.L. e Bermúdez, P.G. (2003) Manual de Perforación y Voladura de Rocas

European Commission, Enterprise and Industry (2010) - Critical raw materials for the EU - Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group on defining critical raw materials.

Figueiredo, F. O (2014) Power Point slides presentations from de classroom lessons.

Hartman, H e Mutmansky, J.M (2002) – Introductory Mining Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Legislação diversa aplicada à Indutria Extrativa

Goís. J. C. e Vieira, A. (2011) Manual do Operador de Produtos Explosivos - Um guia de apoio para a formação. AP3E e ANIET.

Hustrulid, W., Kuchata, m. e Martin, R. (2013) -Open Pit Mine Planning & Design, Volume 1 - Fundamentals. CRC Press. Balkema book.