Biology of Ageing

Academic year
Subject Area
Molecular and Cell Biology
Language of Instruction
Other Languages of Instruction
Mode of Delivery
ECTS Credits
2nd Cycle Studies - Mestrado

Recommended Prerequisites

Anatomy and Histology - Physiology I and II - Cell and Molecular Biology - Cell Biology of Human Development - Biochemistry.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes will be taught based on the solution of problems focused on the integration of cellular and molecular aspects on the ageing-induced deficiencies in the organs.
In the practical classes, the students will present orally selected scientific papers on the main topics taught in the theoretical classes. The students should also present a small group essay on themes related to the unit's objectives.
The seminars will be given by invited speakers.

Learning Outcomes

This unit is focused on the biology of ageing, from the changes at the molecular and cellular level to their consequences in the organism. The relationship between aged related changes and ageing diseases will be established. The new anti-ageing therapeutics will be analysed on the light of new ways to stop ageing and related diseases.
Topics will include ageing theories, experimental models used in their study, impact of oxidative stress in cellular functions and organs, metabolic ageing syndrome, functional changes of the immune, musculoskeletal and central nervous systems, gene instability and longevity and ageing genetics.
The main goal is to motivate the students for biology of ageing related issues. The most recent and exciting ideas arising in ageing research will be discussed.

Work Placement(s)



1. Introduction to the Biology of Ageing: Ageing Theories
2. Organelles' homeostasis and ageing
3. Protein homeostasis, quality control and ageing
4. Oxidative stress in ageing
5. The GH/IGF-1 axis in ageing
6. Ageing of the musculoskeletal system
7. Normal and pathological ageing of the brain
8. Immunosenescence
9. Ageing genetics and longevity
10. Sirtuin, ageing and related diseases
11. Stochastic events in cellular ageing
12. Anti-ageing medicine.

Head Lecturer(s)

Sandra Isabel Morais de Almeida Costa Cardoso

Assessment Methods

Mini Tests: 20.0%
Frequency: 80.0%


-Hand book of the Biology of Aging (Masoro EJ and Austad SN), 2006~
-Molecular Biology of Aging (Guarente L, Partridge L, Wallace, D), 2008*
- The Encyclopedia of Aging (Schulz,R, Noelker LS, Rockwood K and Sprott R.), 2006*
- Biopsychosocial approaches to longevity (Poon, LW and Perls, TT), 2008*
- Aging and age-related diseases: the basics (Karasek, M), 2006*
- Review of Medical Physiology (Ganong WF), 2005*
- Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts B et al.), 2008*
- Genetics from Genes to Genomes (Hartwell L), 2008*